More Etch Copper and Working on the Etched Copper Neck Bangle

Finished the 3 x 4 copper etched pieces  for an order and to put up on etsy

I put the necklace into the etching solution 

after its out and washed 

cleaned up with the dremel and sand paper 

started bending with just my fingers  - the 24g is very malleable 

tomorrow I"ll figure out what to do next with it - this is the proto for the neck bangle design 
could have dangles just dont know yet 
but at least I got into the studio between babysitting, easter shopping - I got more done in last two days than probably all winter 


  1. I love the necklace. Glad your weather is getting better and you can work in your studio!

  2. yes so happy to be back in the studio - work in progress - may have to be cut down - and not sure yet just how to complete it
