What a Great Start to 2014

What a great start - already 10 comments on the give-a-way

if I keep getting good responses I'll start to do them every month rather than every other month

excited that its the weekend  -less excited that I have to deal with some frozen pipes tonight - hopefully they have not burst by the time I get home - but its in the same area as the basement studio so I can spend time down there and maybe torch .  Will see if I can open the studio - the lock was frozen last week
so I could not get my wire - and I am now so over wool and crocheting

There will also be another give a way starting Jan 25 to Feb 25   as I am participating in a "GROW YOUR BLOG"  event


Its free to sign up and open to all  and the deadline is Jan 15th to get invited so go visit and we will hopefully all blog together

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