New Years Resolutions - a bit early

Looking back I had a wonderful crafty year working with clay, metals, punches, glass , paints etc.. and really want to do more next year - new items for me this year were of course the Big Dragon Eyes,  getting back to glass painting and working with kiln glass - and frits  and of course the crazy wine bottle slumping that I totally enjoyed

Looking to get a new intermediate size kiln in the spring  with possibly a final bigger one for summer so I can work larger glass pieces and get some ideas out there

More metal - more forming and cutting  - I totally enjoyed my ring class -  and using silver again

I look forward to putting more time into my crafts this year - so wishing everyone a very Happy New Year


  1. Have a great year! The new kiln sounds exciting. I have my new cuff stuff ready to solder, but it's just too cold in the garage. Unbelievably cold for Southern California. Tonight I smashed two bottles, assembled them into square plates. Will fuse them in the morning, so it will be toasty warm by noon so I can work out there!! Win, win!

    1. we had great weather same as yours up till last tuesday - when it finally snowed and got colder - Imiss being in the shed to work and do something - cant wait to see your bracelet
