Toronto Bead Society - Spring Show

At the bead society Spring show for two days
My biggest aggravation for this venue was the getting my goodies to the show room from the street level and back again.  Last year I had one of those rubbermaide flat carts which was "awful"  the worst thing you can buy.  No control and very tippy - especially when you have to go over cobblestones
so I definitely did not want to use this again
and of course I left it to the last minute but found the best cart that was inexpensive at Princess Auto

Its perfect - nice rubber wheels and it slides open to a larger cart - not huge but enough , the handle folds down so its compact too.  Approx 53.00 each - assembly is just attaching the wheels when you buy it - along with bungies and your all set - I found they moved amazing on the sidewalk and the cobblestones in front of the venue .

Got set up and ready

Had a great time 

My granddaughter helps me get all my things to and from the show as well as helping sell - I think its the 4th year for her 
Here she is making a necklace and earrings from beads she bought at the show 
Well the next show is not till July but I want to get working on some new things 
Hope I can start this week 
well finally off to bed - need some sleep and up to my full time job Monday 


  1. Wow - I knew from reading your posts that you had made a lot of stuff, but ... that's a lot of stuff! Beautiful set-up! how'd the glass sell?

    Hope it was a good show!

    1. Did not too badly - I've done better but this is a new venue location so its one of those shows you like to be at so people know your still around and its affordable
      Yes I like to have lots - its the only way to sell - if one thing does not work hopefully something else will
