EX70 resins - 1:1 ratio - I got at Curry's Art Supplies - I will sub with my own resins but wanted to follow the instructions as closely as I could for the prototypes
Methyl Hydrate (alcohol) for thinning - you want it a bit thinner to run down into the glass
SmallBucket - I got the 1/2 bucket at home depot
Lots of broken tempered glass - this took one bit tote /2 shoe box totes to fill the 1/2 bucket
Mixing stick - clean - dollar store wooden spoon - dollar store brush - (I prefer the wooden spoon)
Container to mix in -
table cover - poly plastic is good the epoxy wont stick to polyethylene -just in case
5 x5 tile - all I could find at HOme depot was a 4-1/4 x 4-1/4 white tile for this project
single tote double tote (not quite full )
So very anxious - I had broken my glass during the week and put into the tote ( so as of now I have basically 3 shoe box size totes filled with broken tempered glass
I put into the pail and filled to just below the rim so that I was not overflowing (I still have to put in resin and I didnt want a mess)
So bucket is filled and pressed down and I bounced it a couple times for it all to settle
I brought it inside - as its too cold to pour outside (epoxy likes heat to cure ) Put the tile on top (ceramic shiny side down ) and pushed down on it so it was seated well on top of the broken glass
Now - from the video I cant tell how much he used for each candle - so its a guessing game

so I measured on a mason jar - 1 cup of water and poured into the jar and marked it - then put another 1 cup in and marked it to show the 2 cup mark - emptied the water and dried the jar
I poured the part A in first to 1cup mark - cleaned the spout and put the cap back on
I poured the part B in to the 2cup mark - cleaned the spout and put the cap back on
I poured about 1/4 cup - just a little less of the methy hydrate (this wil et me know how far it seeps down - if not far enough then I'll need maybe the full 1/4 cup next time
Mix - mix - mix
I tore a piece of cardboard from a box to use as spreader
Poured onto center of the tile and slowly pulled to all sides to seep down - poured more
till what I thought was enough - the guessing part
so now I can see what I have left - after the pour

will see how far it seeped - and gauge my next measure based on the results - so fingers crossed tomorrow I see something that looks like one of Rick's candle holders
and off to dollar store today for glass inserts for the candles
once its out I still have to seal the piece - and I may use some alcohol inks to color - will have to see
but what does not stick or covered in resin can be resued on the next candle - which means I should have enough for a 2nd candle ! tomorrow
Hi Deborah. I love your night ice candle. I have some tempered glass from a broken sliding glass door that my cousin accidentally broke ( at his house,) when he was using a weed whacker & it threw a stone at his patio door. I was visiting him from out of state and cleaned up his broken glass. (Unbeknowst to him I saved it and bagged it up & put in my car trunk.). I would like to surprise him with a nite ice candle made from it. I only have about a little less then a a five gallon bucket of the glass, so i dont want to screw it up since I only want to use the glass from his patio door. and not add any from an outside source.( want to show him I made something good out of his mistake.) Anyway, I know on the You Tube video Rick uses the EX70 polyresin. I only see Ex74 available online now. Not available in any hobby or craft store near me. And its very expensive online for the gallon jugs, when I might only make one or two candles. Plus I heard the fumes are bad and dangerous. I did come across Art Resin .Suppose to never yellow and be fume free. I'm sending you a link. Do you think that would work in the place of the EX74? And if so,I wonder if it will dilute okay with denatured alcohol to thin it out? I cant find methyl hydrate around here , which I read is a nerve toxin. I read ona hobby forum that denatured alcohol( which I saw in Walmart a& Home Depot),can do the same thing as methyl hydrate, as far as thinning poly resins, and less toxic. What is your opinion on using the Art Resin( which they claim wont yellow over time) and the Denatured alcohol to make the night ice candles? Have you made anymore since your two experiments? I hope I don't screw this up. Would really like to surprise my cousin with it. Thanks, Cheryl