Borrrrrinnnngg....... but still fitting in some play time

Its not that I have not been doing anything - its just that I have little time to really play and post
I have been fitting in lampworking over the past week  -  and this last weekend was teaching at the Toronto  Creative Festival - was lots of fun  and some really enthused students making some really great beads for their first time .  I did not take many pics of the show as I sped around looking at all the great new sewing and embroidery machines and anything else that caught my eye.
I bought my grand daughter more elastics for her bracelet loom  - I bought it about 6 months ago but it seems to be the new HOT item for kids
was really busy around their booth
bought some thread so I could kumihimo some thinner cords  - cant wait to do this - I typically do while watching tv or relaxing

and I've made more spacer beads this week nothing spectacular - just some beads Ineed for assembly of jewellery

I did have something that was pretty amazing for lunch on saturday -    a Pulled Pork parfait
Yup - a pulled port parfait 
pulled pork, mashed potatoes, more pulled pork, more mashed potatoes , more pork and topped with beans 
was actually delicious 

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