Simple Soldering - by Kate Ferrant Richbourg - Digital Edition

I've soldered for quite a while and taken courses on soldering  even one from Rio Grande at various shows

I downloaded this book digitally from amazon (kindle edition) to my iPhone and went through it
Simple Soldering: A Beginner's Guide to Jewelry Making Book and DVD

What a marvelous book - a really detailed and informative  and well worth the charge both Digitally or hardcover.
I find that yes I took classes and yes I solder on and off - but over the years sometimes you forget some of the basics and a book like this one is great to have around  - I love having it digitally as I always have my phone with me .

Going to try out some of the projects and one is soldering ends on tube and I have lots of those to practice on and cant wait to play

Of course  its  close the pool weekend  and weed wack to clean up for winter (o it hurts to say that - especially whens its still 80-90 degrees out - but were in for a cold spell starting friday )
Have lots to do  so I'll have to fit things in for this weekend and I no longer take fridays off  so I only have two days to get it all done

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