More Snow ........

Can you believe it - by the time I got home I shoveled another 3 inches of snow and its still snowing - I hope it stops soon - its pretty only if you don't have to drive in it.

I trekked up to the studio to get my chargers for my dremels so I can start to engrave my two dichro slabs so that I can get them cut up and ready for some warm weather where I can turn on my kilns and fuse

The Bead Soup is going real well - got those beads out to Jo Tinley in the UK this week
I cant show what I sent and I dont have photoshop on this computer to to the cool blured image like Jo has done on her blog...... just to give an idea on colors -  but her pic sure looks like the same colors I've sent over - so its going to be great to figure out what to make when someone else picks your beads.  I like the fact that you can take the beads and mix them with other materials you have -   I'm very excited to see what she has sent

Remember to enter the give - a- way !  Dont just visit - leave a comment - take a chance - you could win

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of the snow are beautiful, but like you said, I wouldn't want to have to drive in it.
    Ca. is bright and sun shiny, we need rain badly.
    Id like to win the give away.
    Thanks for having it.
