Had to get gas
stop at my local co-op for rabbit food
then I hit Tuckers Pottery by 9am and picked up some glazes and clay as I want to make some beads and pendants.
Then hit BeadFx and dropped off some copper sheet for a friend to pick up and grabbed one of the vintag folders and a few other things.
Then I made it to Tandy leather where I grabbed a couple of items - (those cool punches )
then I could put a bead or glass center in
from Tandy I was off to Lee Valley - where it was packed and I really didnt see anything I wanted - but I have to check out classes for more pen turning
by this time it was 12:30 and decided to go to Lonestar for lunch
after lunch I went to Desserres where I was able to pick up a few craft things for my older granddaughter for christmas
then I ended my day by visiting Macmillan orchards (frozen foods) and then made my way home (hour drive)
Of course once home I had to bring everything in and collapse
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