enamel beads

So I think I am going back to day 1 of my crafting and lookng at things I used to do years and years ago - 10-15
I had just moved to Pennsylvania and wanted to look into crafting  - I used to draw, do copper enamelling, clay sculpture but wanted to work in glass and silver.
My first classes were PMC and I loved it - got certified through the Rio Grande certification with great teachers like Chris Darway and Celi Fago.  then I was beading and putting together jewelry but could never find the right pieces I wanted.  Found Jane Persico and started doing fused glass.  Wanted glass beads but could not set up so I visited Pinzart and started doing enamel beading using tube and other metals beads.    Once I moved to a location that I could set up Lampworking most other crafts got left behind.

Now I find I'm dragging out the mapp cannisters, holders, mandrels, metal beads and enamels and having a blast.  I forgot how easy it was - and slow ...... but old is new again I see on the web - making enamel beads using filigree base metal beads

I'll have to do a video this week showing how too and post to you tube

so waiting on delivery of my sliding door for the studio so I will know if its night or day and get into it easier than with a garage door  - cant wait - going to install this weekend

Love going home and doing the Zentangle - very relaxing

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