Tanya Veit - Picasso Fusing Webinar

Been sick with the flu -slipped and  fell  on my slippery deck Saturday and whacked the back of my head - saw stars, getting sicker by the day  - today is laryngitis - when will it end - I have so much I want to do this week.

I came across  some cool things as I laid in bed coughing and choking the other night  .......

Taking a webinar for Tanya Veit - Picasso fusing - amazing - been wanting to do this

go to here to sign up

there are two one on the 25th  and one on the 27th -  
I'm signed up for the 25th and cant wait to watch this  - very reasonable 89.00 price - no traveling etc...


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon - thanks for the info! I think I just signed up - I'm not sure; the site never took any $info from me! Weird. It's a little pricey for me, but looks like fun, and maybe it will get me back into fusing, and I can use up the pounds and pounds of glass I have!

  2. I see the actual class is a bit cheaper but then I dont have to travel- although I love to travel to classes and the interaction - right now as I'm so busy at work thought I would give a webinar a try
    Yes I need to use up all my glass I have sitting around
