No Boho today just a Boo Hoo

Well its officially too cold to fuse in the studio now -  I had a wine bottle in the big kiln yesterday - when I got home it was still 320F  and when I left for bed  it was down to 225  so I left it till this morning

Rushed up at 6:10 to pull  it out and possibly put another in -  - it had cracked - the studio was 55F - a tad cold and probably brought it down too quickly  at final cooling.

so unless I warm the shed (oops studio)  up on the weekends I'll have to wait to do it then

Picking up  144 wine bottles tonight -  at least I'll be ready to go for spring


  1. Can you program your kiln to maintain a low temp through the night after it finishes? Where on earth did you find 144 wine bottles?! I love it .... You are so funny! Wish we lived closer.

  2. Yes but that involves sitting in the cold - I may do it on the weekend and add a couple more segments and see what happens - have over 144 trys to see if it works - you and Sweet Freedom - we would all have a ball
