Another New Toy- Stampmaker

I have in the past made my own rubber stamps - and it was a messy job - I had made neat magnetic  frames and poured the material between the frames and used my home made uv light system to make the designs  -   because it was always a pain I tended not to play with it (8 years have gone by since I last made my own stamp) and still have a ton of materials to use

I found this kit  from Teresa Collins that is a great condensed unit and easy to use pouches to make stamps.
I have been following the blog and got a note that they would have a 50% discount for first 10 buyers and I was right on that -   for Black Friday
Teresa Collins Stampmaker

I stayed up till midnight and tried - the coupon code would not work - I did not think that 10 people bought in the first 30 seconds - but you never know
so I stayed up till 2- since they were in Phoenix and allowing for time zone figured that is when it would be midnight/Friday for them  -nope didn't work  gave up ( I was tired) but got up at 5 tried, nope, 6 and just before I left for work,  when I got to work I tried at 8 am  nope .... this was getting frustrating  then again at about 9am then I decided to check the blog -nothing to say any problems,,,,, next I tried Facebook and sure enough a few other people had problems with the code and they were fixing it -  I sent an email in hopes that I could at least be part of the 10 that got the 50% (were talking 87.00 savings  and half that savings was put to shipping)
Then I had to take my daughter to dentist and while sitting and waiting tried again and again.  Finally it went through with the discount and was so happy.  I hope some of the other people were able to get their discounted product .  So now I cant wait - I can play with this one handed


  1. You HAVE been busy buying toys - can't wait to see how the stampmaker works! Getting stamps made is expensive!

  2. I like the fact I can make some small images of my own originals that I can stamp onto metal
