New toy coming for the studio

Mounted Wet Belt Sander 466 

Yup - I keep saying I have pretty much all the tools I need  but ...........- its a Covington wet belt sander from from  Kingsley North

499.00 U.S.  very  well built

I accidentally got excited and ordered the wrong one - I bought the basic  that had no motor or water  fitting  or base -  but Kingsley North was great  (they were way too fast too) and got it back before it left the warehouse all packed -  and are swapping it out for the right one I wanted
So cant wait to get this in

The weather looks to be co-operative this weekend  so I may get some things changed around in the studio  and put away   and maybe get up there and prep a few things for the Maple Syrup Festival on April 1st and 2nd - get my booth ready and repack a few things

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