12 Days Till Christmas

Only 12 days left till I get a couple days off  - cant wait
Its so cold here  only 7 degrees when I got up this morning - pretty frosty

My daughter stared the day by skidding into the ditch and taking out her driver mirror front light and back light and some huge scratches and indents on the driver side of her car as she drove into the ditch took out one fence post and slide along the rest  - she is fine but who the heck needs this before Christmas.

I only got as close to beading last night was fondling the already made beads in my yogurt container - thinking - I should make some necklaces -   that thought vanished quickly

I really need to torch.....  (I seem to say that everyday) by the time I get home I'm too bushed to go out turn on the propane and make my way downstairs to the sudio..... Maybe tonight........

Anyway - hope everyone is finished shopping or at least down to the small stuff  - not much time left

My blog is suffering with boredom as well - I need to make something - anything

On another note -

I currently have a credit card - machine - old style from  the credit card company and this costs me alost 100.00 a month to maintain - even though at the beginning it was to be 30.00 plus 10 for the sliding maching now it has rissen up and of course I want to cancel but - theres a contract -  but guess what they automatically renewed - so I have to pay a penalty to get out of it - anyway

I got my paypal  pay here dongle for my iphone last year  and it works great - I use it and funds go directly to my paypal account

this week I got my square reader - another dongle for the iphone  - and it puts it right into your bank by next day - which is great  - both easy to get

The only issue I have is that some customers are a bit afraid of digital transactions on the phone and getting email receipts -  so I'll track down a wireless printer to take with me to the shows and then I can print their receipt right there

so I guess I'll work on getting rid of this antiquated credit card machine
and its overhead costs

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