was so nice out and I had the Grand kids - shopping for easter goodies etc.. I think I was lucky to do as many as I did - I think I did 10 slabs over two days not bad - especially when I didnt feel like making anything.
here is pic of pre batch before firing I use up all my scraps which include the clear glass cap
Here is a spread of slabs and I added about 6 more to this pile
more of a side pic of them in a bin
I've got about 40 slabs ready for cutting - thats a chore - I'll have to take a pic of me in my garbage bag get up for when I cut - I try to do on a nice day outside on my deck as the water flies everywhere from my saw
and its pretty mucky - have fresh blades to start with so that is an improvement from last year
My future crafters ( jumped a generation ) my daughter is crafty and can make things but she does not want to - both my granddaughters love my studio and find all kinds of crafts to keep them busy while I trot around finding something for me to make.
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