Lampworking 101 information - will be coming this week

I have been asked to do up some sort of  step by step on how to and what you need to begin lampworking -

I have it pretty much completed but trying to insert pics to help people understand what I mean
 I should have this posted before the end of this week so look for the  Lampworking 101 coming soon and the shortcut will be posted under the turorial section to the left of the blog.

Now that I seem to be over my perpetual Illness (July-Oct  shingles,  company moving from sept to dec  and then december penumonia and bronchitus till now )  I should be coming back to post more often .


  1. You really have had a winter from he-doublehockeysticks! Hope the future holds no problems for you. Relax and enjoy those grandchildren!

  2. thank you - looking forward to spring and getting some things done
