Finally got the printed magazine to transfer

I finally got some time and wanted to try the printed image on magazine to my silver for the boho ring

the first try  on Monday night I think - almost worked as I tried my industrial hot plate - but I did not think it was hot enough

tonight I turned up one more on the dial and it worked - but.... I think some of the colour from the magazine transferred as well - but I am going to etch anyway - and take my chances - I'll have to try and get magazine pages without color to print on
this is a 3" x 3" piece of sterling silver sheet - it will be in the etching bath for about 2.5 hours 

I have looked all over my studio for my electric stencil cutter and plastic sheets - nada - cant find it - I had the stencil blanks only in the summer  and I know I had the cutter around then too 

so I went out today - to get new - so it should show up any time now 
I want to cut my own template designs so I can keep them 

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