Bullseye powder frit samples

My colors for my tiger face came in on friday (while I was on a vacation day of course)  and I brought home last night -
I need to make samples of the colors ranging from 1 layer to 4 layers  to see the depth of color for when I add to my glass

I cut and made clear glass bases and then proceeded to sift one layer - lay a piece of paper over one end - then another layer - moved the  paper down - then another layer etc... you get the drift

normally I would paint  but with frit I need to see the depth of the frit and see what color come from the layers I apply - this could turn out to be a really bad image when I finish but I havnt done it in so long  I must give it a try

I love making samples - so tonight I am going to keep going and do all my bullseye so I have all my samples ready - I will write with my glass ink on each showing the bullseye color and code and refire later

 you can see the different layers in this one

1 comment:

  1. Great samples! Can't wait to see your next step with the tiger piece. I want to try the kitty project first and then try one of Sarah, my white poodle/bichon. She will be a challenge.
