
So to start my year off I decided that to get the juices flowing - I'll be doing an enamel class in Ottawa  on the 29th - looking forward to getting excited

but at home  I have started the first step to making collars that I was going to  make up last year but never got too - so this weekend will be spending cutting and filing and etching copper to make some  Neck Collars -  designs of course will be from  my own rubber stamps as I need the large size to stamp the designs onto the blanks

first step is to make a paper pattern to follow - if correct then I will make in a vinyl material and be able to write on so I have a more permanent and sturdy template

so  step 1 - create the template
I just took a piece of paper  and folded it and then cut out the  design - fitted it around my neck to see where it hung and trimmed to fit

Its not exciting  as yet but its a start
tonight I just may wander to the studio to grab some 24 g copper to cut it out - this design was originally  thought out when I did the last years  Bead Soup Challenge
the 24g is easy to cut  and manipulate - the curve in the pice was done with just my fingers and as I worked it - work hardened the piece - so looking forward to making this prototype collar up this weekend - once I figure out sizing etc  I'll be jumping in with both feet to make them up with a variety of surface designs 

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