Year End update

I was reviewing  my posts for this year - a pretty disappointing 70  compared to over 130 min previous years  and 2013 with over double that

I really didnt get much done this year - although I did have a great summer with my grandchildren

Mid year I started with paper crafts having a ball with making cards and starting to work on some scrap booking

My new items for this year included the new  tempered glass plates which were a hit
More wine bottle cheese trays and making more ceramic pattern plates for melting the bottles on
The new Northern Ice candles were also a hit but just not enough time to make more than the first set of prototypes

Hmmm maybe I did do something this year ... three new products and all big sellers

I did a couple more fairs so did about 5  this year  I hope to do about 8 next year

I did a master class for Metal forming which was truly  invigorating

I have some new ideas for next year and may start working on them soon
I really need that UMPH to get going for next year

Hpefully Jan 1st I'll get my act together and start something new

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