NIOBIUM ! Yes Yes Yes

This morning I cut a couple of pieces of niobium and went to the studio and  microfolded for effect

set up took all of 3 minutes  from my bin that holds all the equipment for anodizing
 I can reuse 
the stainless steel anode 
The nice thing is I am not working with any dangerous chemicals - the TSP is a household cleaner/soap mixed in water 
The most dangerous is the electrical part - long as you follow instructions its easy -

first I did some titanium just to check it was working

then I did the first Niobium sample - and hen my grand daughter who is 6 wanted to try - so we gloved her up and she did a niobium

OMG !  the one on the left  is mine - the one on the right is my grand daughters

I think the color is brighter on the niobium for sure - but I may not have the titanium clean enough - I'll have to reserve that till I get the multi etch and so some samples brushing with steel wool as well

so easy so simple

Next is making some paint brushes that will conduct and I can brush in the areas I want to brush  and also get a piece of sea sponge and do a sponge effect

of course I may now cut pieces that I could turn into earrings or pendants so I dont waste it

but fun - wow and fast -  immediate gratification - this is definitely going to be more fun


  1. Great colours! Maybe folding the metal causes more reflection so the colours look brighter?

    1. Niobium does give brighter colors than the titanium but I read also if you shine up the titanium - in the tumbler maybe the colors look brigher ( on titanium they look duller /softer) but I really like this bright bold - Its just so simple I cant believe I did not do this sooner

    2. Niobium does give brighter colors than the titanium but I read also if you shine up the titanium - in the tumbler maybe the colors look brigher ( on titanium they look duller /softer) but I really like this bright bold - Its just so simple I cant believe I did not do this sooner
