coloring tempered glass - did not get far

Only 5 purple and one blue/green stil have a stack to go
got detoured on such a nice and day and was cutting the grass -  no horses so I needed to get about an acre or so cut  before it starts to really grow for the year 

Alcohol Inks on Tempered Glass and rearranging the studio

I reorganized my corner where I fuse - prepped for hot water to realize the outside hose needs fixing and some parts and the filter that goes on needs parts - so that is for next week -  got my pottery wheel in place and tried it out - not for long but long enough -

I have 6 sets of plates ready for color so today  started - there are 5 different sizes from each batch so  30 plates in all to get done - I tend to do all five in one color then move over to next color  so I have a few done only about 27 more to go from this huge batch

so first color is my purple mix I like - then there will be the blue /green etc... till Im done then I'll seal them all with epoxy
my back is killing me today from moving things around so not sure how long I'll keep this up - I do want to be finished by end of the day  so that next week I can do the epoxy

I was happy with my new set up its not running over my lampwork table area as I walk in the door - so now my rack for the molds is getting ready - and space for my hot water heater is in on a rack above the floor - brought up a bin of pottery colors to use and my alcohol inks 
the shelving I made last year - still have about two more levels to go 

the white rack is perfect for beside the sink - and the bottom rack holds the hot water tank above the floor level but close enough to the sink to work out perfectly - but I need parts to finish this job 

the microwave will be moved as I want the rack for more of my molds that are stored under another shelf at the back - the light will move to be more over the table - all those white buckets are full of tempered glass and I'll have more tomorrow from one of my suppliers he said he has lots - and the orange (one has tempered in ) but are for making the candles - which you can see one on the side of the table 

Fused Tempered Glass Plates - 4th batch in

3rd batch out last night and 4th batch in
excuse the mess I still have not quite cleaned up certain sections of my studio for the season - just jumping in and getting the kiln running was a chore

I have a pottery class tonight so I'll get them out late and hopefully another batch in late

Studio cleaning - getting another load into the kiln- finding my pottery wheel

Well I got my 2nd batch out and put a 3rd batch in on Sunday -

 Plain for now till I get coloring them next weekend

tonight is 3rd batch out and 4th batch into the kiln

cleaning front area - moved my shelving around so I can move the kiln a bit more on an angle so I can get my wet belt sander beside the sink - and arrange for my hot water on demand  unit - space -  I need to install hopefully by the time I can turn the water on next week

I made my way to the back and dragged out my potters wheel I bought in 2005  and never used - now that I am taking lessons I am for sure going to use - hoping the weather stays  above zero here
found some of my pottery tools as well 

and I think I'll bring down about 4 of the pails to start making some candles at the house as I need at least 70°F for the epoxy to cure properly  - I have one left over from last year I just need to seal 
as I am going to need a min of 50 of these at least for my summer show 

Pottery night - non wheel class

I can use the wheel but I am just having some fun building clay with my hands rather than throwing

my piece from last week is a turtle pot stand
he needs to be painted but so far he has been fired

but last week throwing class  I did two pieces - the first was wayyyyy better than the second flop

so this week we get to clean and prep the pots for firing 
these ones are done with low fire clay so I get to possibly paint what I want  with different paints 
having fun 

First Big Kiln Batch - Plates - of ;the season - the kiln is on !

Yes I toured up to the studio - what a lovely  evening - still a tad chilly in the studio but outside was warm -
I mixed some fresh kiln wash  and did up the molds and then filled them with hardly any blood spilled.

Hoping to take out tomorrow night after pottery class and possibly fill and run again 

Toner Foil applicaton and Printing on tissue for decoupage

What to share a couple of techniques for this week
the first I did a long time ago but they had a little class at the Scrapfest we attended yesterday - and that is using a laser /toner printed image  and then using that with heat foils and a laminator

I have a color laser printer so printed the images in black -  I have a regular laminator - a Scotch brand that is about 30.00 at Walmart
Put the heat on the highest which is the 5mil button

I dont have any carriers so I used deli paper  (unwaxed paper) to sandwich it in so that the heat goes all to the foil rather than soaked up in regular paper

I had some pieces left from the class in red and a small piece of gold

so I printed the Happy birthday first - then the feather - then the mandala and ran them through the laminator

In love with the technique - so anything you can print in black you can coat with the foil - it adheres to the toner (wont work on ink jet )

Next I was wanting some specific images for my journal - on tissue  so I googled and found something where you took some temp movable glue - so I tried my fabric temporary spray glue 
worked - the trick is to get as smooth as possible - I tried rolling but I think if I use something like a rolling pin to wrap around it may go down smoother - but even with wrinkles it came out ok -  I used my laser printer - but I think the heat from the rollers for the toner - made it pretty impossible to take off - so I used my heat gun and it came off quite easily - but I am going to try my ink jet if I ever get it connected to my pc  
turned out great - I can tear or cut and put in my journal or use for decoupage - so I am now able to make my own tissue images in black and white and in color 

Started pottery throwing class last night

I started my pottery throwing class last night
pretty wonky pieces but I had a ton of fun -  I think that pottery wheel I have stashed at the back of the studio is going to be coming out this spring (not like I dont have a ton of other things to do )

the first piece I made came out rather well  but the 2nd piece - went wonky and almost lost it -