Masking Niobium

My next step with the Niobium is to  work with some masking /masking shapes
I purchased some mighty mask from  RMS (Reative Metal Studios)  and I got to use my heart cutter today as well -

I also got 50 discs of niobium pre cut from RMS as well

so today was try out the masking niobium

a bit of thought but pretty easy

I put a heart mask onto the bare metal
I then did it to  a higher  voltage about 71  gave me a nice purple
I cleaned then took the little heart mask off -  then put it back in and colored it to the blue  about 31 volts
very cool   - now to find time to do more 


  1. Nice colour combo. I can imagine you could have a lot of fun with masking.

  2. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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