Card Class form Saturday

had some fun on saturday -  got up early - shoveled the deck then  drive my car up to the studio to  pack up the 12" kiln I was selling  - was heavier than I remember !  but got it packed  for someone that will enjoy using it - since I got the really big one I dont need the 12"   I have a few smaller kiln I like to use instead -

Have some samples of high temp  cloth coming  that I need to test out when it comes in - probably next weekend  no matter what its like out going to grab one of the mslal kilns and bring into the house for the basement studio to test out the cloth (most call it lava cloth but I have a suppier sending me some samples - and I may bring in a full roll and sell )  will let everyone know once I get it in
and tested out

so  did the card class at 9:30 to 11

met up and sold my kiln

then went of to archery -
 left arm so sore - its from holding the bow steady
my granddaughter came along and stayed with me for the 2nd hour (barely was able to hold the bow to the end )  - want to get some leather an make my own arm guard -  I amde my own belt for my quiver but want to make a cool arm guard too

Had a nice lunch at SNUG - a cute Irish Pub close to where I had to drop my granddaughter to her Dads after - good food and great atmosphere

came home and did nothing else all weekend - sort of a loss but just getting over the flu so stayed in bed Sunday  and watched it snow for the rest of the day

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