Coming out of Hibernation........

Hoping the weather is starting to change and that adding a bit of heat to the studio will allow me back up with all my tools and equipment
Hate not having access readily to my work stations - I could bring things down to the house (all items that could freeze are already down there )  but dragging tools and equipment back and forth is such a pain.

Started the weekend off right and went to Ottawa to teach an enamel /lampwork class and totally got enthused with such wonder students and Grace is always a most wonderful hostess

I need to make more 3x4 etched copper for my etsy store  and for orders this week and get them out and posted - along with possibly some more items to my etsy shop this year

So...... long weekend coming up - the days are a bit warmer  so I could go up and tidy a bit in the studio in preparation for going gung ho !  I so cant wait  - lots of things going on in my brain - now to evict them and get them into real projects

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