6 Days to go !!!!!

Only 6 more shopping days till Christmas - and I think I'm going to need most of them

The flu is getting better so the plan to rest first and deal with it is working better than working through it and having it linger for weeks . I hope to feel 100% by the weekend and for Christmas ! YEAH

I'm even starting to feel the itch to go down to the basement and torch -

I hate it when I get down there and cant figure out what to make - sort of puts a real damper on the mood

Last night I attended my Grand daughters Christmas recital for the grades K to 8  -   its was a hour long and very interesting
you sit (if your lucky) on those uncomfortable fold out chairs , your winter coat bunched around you because its so hot  (came in from snow and cold) smile and listen to jingle bells to the beat of a funeral dirge,  the off key and sometimes forgotten words to Frosty the snowman, the beating pots and sticks to Feliz navidad, ,   I absolutely loved the bell ringing ,  my older granddaughters group (7 &8's)  did  "What did the Fox say "   in French no  less - and they lost the accompanying  music just after they started and they didn't miss a bead and completed the singing of the song without it  and the final from the kindergarten- singing  I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas  and we wish you a merry Christmas  where my youngest granddaughter looked like she might throw up seeing all those parents in the audience - till she heard my daughter yell her name and a big smile came on her face.
Was a really great concert  and all the kids did so well.   The weather was awful and it was snowing on the way home as well (1/2 hour to my house) and in the boonies and back roads in 4wd all the way

Yes getting in the mood to play- finally  .........

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