Working on Etched Copper Pendants

Back to the studio tonight - a little clean up  and moving things around (I can constantly do this without making a single thing )  but I needed to clean up after the weekend with the grandchild - she gets everything all over and I still have not finished cleaning up for the spring.

Finished cleaning up my pendants and thinking about what to put in the center
Someone asked what I used for soldering 
I would have used my little smith torch but I evidently must have touched the hose and burned a hole in it so I grabbed my trusty regular torch and used it - works just as well
I like the auto light - grab - hit the button and I'm in business 
takes only a couple minutes and I was done 

Of course I was thinking all day about what to put in the centers 
I decided I wanted to torch a cabochon

and of course nothing was connected - since I took the torch back  down to the house along with the hose and fittings for the oxy concentrators  
I had bought a 2nd set of hose and fittings as I have two pair of oxy cons 
so it took me about 20 minutes to find the 2nd set - which when I started to put together found that one of the fittings was broken - so I tried glue - didnt work - and the filters they put on slow the oxy so I cut them out 

and finally I used another copper fitting and connected the hose to the torch and oxy as a temp fix 
so now I could just turn on the propane and the oxy cons and torch 

I did make th cab -  and it was a bit too big - deep and I used the grinder to shave down a bit 
but next one will be not as deep  and a bit larger - I'll make a template on my marver to ensure the circumference is right 
I took the pic at a good angle so you dont see how bad it looks from the side  but I think I will make the cabs via torch - fast and easy - this one is a bit darker than I would like - a lighter purple maybe 

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