Fused Sheet - final fire polish Zentangle/picasso engraved pieces

these are the final pieces from the first flat sheet - I fired them on the weekend - still sick so I'm really not in the mood to do much - I started on my second sheet to engrave - and I dropped it on the counter and broke it into a few pieces - not a big deal - I have to cut it anyway

but these turned out great after cold working /grinding


  1. Still sick? Yikes! Hope you are getting some medical attention. Feel bettee!

    I can't believe you dropped your sheet! I woukd cry .... Even if I WERE going to cut it!

    I cut and ground mine yesterday. I think I had temporary insanity. i really meant to end up with about 6-7 square pendants, but instead have 15 or so very small pendants and cabs; hearts, ovals, shields.... Lots and lots of cutting. Now I want to do another run, and get some nice squares!

    Putting that black frame on the pieces made a HUGE impact! Love it!

    Fire polishing for me, today.

  2. More meds, I hope by friday to be better so I can enjoy a weekend finally

    I really want some of those lighter colors that Tanya uses

    I have huge sheets of hot pink and lots of spectrum 96 to use up
