Glass Tapestry - Getting Ready

Other than being extremely sick for the past week - no voice - coughing continuously
I found the strength today to try to prep

I found my pile of System 96 Fusing glass - got out the balsa wood and made up a couple of glass trays

Its on line as well as in the book - I made two sizes  one 6 x 6 and one 2.5 x 6
I made them so I can use my small kilns - I'll make a big one when I drag out the big guy

I got a board and put some nails in to hold them up right 

when I sit in my rolly chair I sit lower - about eye level with the pallets 

I got out my sand - I ended up going to the dollar store to get some containers (I like to keep things organized)

I forgot to buy one of the mandrels but I found these sharp pointed ones at the store - in the polymer clay section
I also pulled out some of my regular mandrels 

so I sat down and played -  Poking , trying clouds and a bird 
I see how the sharp point works and pushing the sand around - so maybe I wont spend too much time on sand 

Its not like I have to go buy any frit - I have a bit 
both System 96 , Bullseye and other frits 

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