Last Call for January Give-A-Way

Last day - will pull name tomorrow morning for the give-a-way

the link is on the right side to both give-a-way

Last 2 days for the January Give-A-Way

You may have noticed I have two give-a-ways this month

The January Give-A-way is my standard one and its a 18G copper etched bracelet  which will end on Jan 31st  - see side bar for link to thread to leave your comment

and second give-a-way in regards to the Grow Your Blog  Project  that will end on  Feb 15th - an 18G copper etched Heart pendant
Etched Zentangle Copper 18g Pendant - Heart

So dont forget when you visit check out the thread for the Give-A-ways  and enjoy reading my blog
would love you all to join my followers - hopefully the weather will break and I"ll start some new step by steps

I tried to torch last weekend - wasn't feeling all that well - but gave it a try - got all ready and realized no propane - so out in the cold I went and changed out the tank -(stole the one off the bbq)  got to playing
not much but again - if I can just get into a rhythm I think I can really start to make some beads- I have all these ideas during the week but when I sit down they seem to fly out of my head
Not much but its a start to the new year and my filling my first container for 2014 of beads 
cant have enough filler beads for projects 

GROW YOUR BLOG - Jan 25, 2014 - Special Give-Away

2 Bags Full
This event is designed to bring more readers and FOLLOWERS to your blog
Last year over 400 bloggers participated in this event, on January 24th our host  had over 596 blogs ready to be listed for the event - WOW !
What a great way to increase traffic ! 
If you visit the Home site they will have a list of all those participating and you can also join in and visit with the rest of us.

As part of this event I am having a special  Give-A-Way
(separate from my January Give-A-Way- which you can also get in on - shortcut on the right side bar) 

THE WINNER IS :  Andrea Ostapovitch
Etched Zentangle Copper 18g Pendant - Heart
Its Almost Valentines Day - so what is more appropriate than a Heart
18G  Approx 1-3/4" Copper  Domed Etched with my own Zentangle pattern with a pink/purple patina
Sealed and ready to be put on a chain (copper jump ring) 

Same rules as my regular Give-A-Ways - just post to this blog thread  (this thread only ) a comment- say Hi !
(the only restriction is no anonymous so I can find you again later to send you your gift)  
 From the list I will randomly pick a winner on February 15, 2014
You do not have to pay for anything - I will ship worldwide free of charge 

I would love to increase my followers and you can do that by going to the side bar on the right and become a follower.

I hope you enjoy my blog- Happy Reading !

Thanking you all for reading and joining

I'll be leaving this post up all week before adding new items just to catch everyone jumping around the blog hop

Update:   1-25-14  8:49 am - I've made it through the first 50 listed
Its 6:45  and I've made it up to 100
Tuesday 1-28- 14 7:34  finally made it to 200 only 396 to go
How am I ever going to get to 596 ! the blogs are so interesting I linger .  If I dont leave a note its just cause I have fallen behind and trying to get through all the blogs
Finally over the 400 blog mark - and still going - such interesting blogs and great works - I've revisted some that I saw the first day as well - it is very addicting going through all these wonderful blogs I didnt even know existed !!!!!

Bending Copper Tubing

Of course after straightening and etching I am going to want to bend  the tubing
If you try with your hands you may get a good bend but you risk crimping the tube and you would not want to do that after all your work -

etching will also make the sides weaker and suddenly it could give way

- one way is to fill it with water and freeze it and bend around a tube for the width-   - will have to give this a try - sounds like fun -  another one suggest  salt  (not sugar) - and another yet another bending compound - lots of cool coil bending on youtube

another is to use a tube bender
(princess auto about 13.00)  does
  • Channels for bending 1/4, 5/16, and 3/8 in. tubing. Calibrated markings for 0° to 180° bends. 7-1/4 in. long knurled handles for added leverage.  and I got this one last yea from princess auto r but have not used  (about 15.00 cdn) 
  • Quick Change Tube Bender

I have a came circle maker I would like to give a second use to 
and then there are the spring benders - which I have in small to large sizes 
Klein 89018, Spring Type Tube Bender, 8 PC Set - KLE-89018

simple enough to use 

as I go along I  will step by step and see what is easiest to use 

Lots of Youtube videos and other choices as well in the way of tools - 

Straightening Copper Tubing

I have the coils of pipe that have the thinner wall thickness so I can bend easier into bracelets and necklaces after I etch  - but to get the designs I want - namely the zentangle either by PnP blue or by my rubber stamps I would like the pipe to be straight - easier to apply -   I figured there has to be a tool out there that does this - and there is
Link to You tube demo :   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiFm1GUS7as

of course its not universal so you have to choose the size -   and it comes form UK at about 114.02 cdn with delivery on ebay  - although if you have the right tool  it makes your work easier  - going to have to give this some thought as I need three sizes 1/4", 3/8" and 5/8"  I'll have to see what size I'll work with first and then figure it out -- I looked at others and this comparatively is reasonably priced so I may dive in and get one to start- just not sure what size -    I've asked if they have a Cdn distributor so I'll find out if available at least in North America -- but this looks to be the best one out there

Update !- took the plunge and ordered the 1/4" and the 3/8"   should be here by end of the month - now I am excited as it gets me past the wonky tubing stage (I hope)

Almost ready to play

Yeah - finally I noticed that my Search this Blog is finally working again - I tried fixing - replacing - deleting and reinstalling but nothing worked -  so maybe it was a Blogger thing - but glad its working -

Well lets see..... The pipes were fixed and I finally got all the insulation under the counters, cleaned and put back stuff (man you can fit a lot of cans and cleaners under the sink - Items I havnt  used - crock pot, steamer, sandwich press and preserve jars -   so feel better things off the counter and  no longer piled high on my kitchen table -   not completely finished as I need to clear out two more cupboards to insulate underneath - but I'll save that for another day

My daughter finally found a car and we went to Hamilton to see it Thursday  and she bought it and we we picked it up Saturday (again another trip to Hamilton ) - had a somewhat peaceful day Sunday finishing off cleaning -

I had great intentions - I went out and turned on the propane about 6pm  for the torch but never made it down and ended up turning it off  at 10pm - so maybe tonight after I feed the horses

I am happy that my etched copper sheets are starting to sell - I'll need to get examples of their usage - like making bracelets , little books for jewellery etc... but I also need to make more - thise are on 24g copper and easy to cut and use in other projects - for riveting etc... and a deep etch so it hold a patina
Etched 24G Copper Sheet - 3" x 4"  - Zentangle Pattern

Dont forget the Give-away - short cut on the right side   - next weekend is another give-way for the "Grow Your Blog"  so dont miss out on that - its for a month so from Jan 25th to Feb 24th and it will work the same as my regular give-a-way

all in all - ready to work on some things - especially my copper - I have some ideas running through my head

2014 - Rio Grande Tools & Equipment Catalogue

O dear my new 2014 Rio Grande Tools & Equipment Catalogue was in the mail

I can see a few hours tonight of drooling over tools and equipment and a wish list starting - not what I planned

Mystery Project Materials

I ran out at lunch and bought some materials for my plan  of some new items

Here is what I bought;  the copper tubing has a thinner wall than the copper pipe you buy for plumbing - although this is for plumbing as well just for other uses (heat exchangers, refrigerant etc...) but you can get in a variety of sizes at Home Depot  - You dont need to buy 50ft - they have smaller boxes of product - found in the copper pipe section - typically on the shelves

1/2" diameter 

3/8" diameter

1/4" diameter

Bending Coils 
These are great to bend more pliable tubing so you dont get any kinks - If I was doing a huge coil I probably would not use these but fill with water and freeze and then coil around some large pipe - lots of You tube on the subject - but I'll do a step by step as I am making them 

Now the project will involve using PnP blue  (probably) and etching  and I'll have to do it in the house - since its still freaking cold here  (not as ridiculously cold as a week or so ago but still winter ) 

Middle Of The Month - Dont forget the Give-A-Way

Dont forget about the give-a-way this month - short cut on the right hand side of the blog !

Also another give-a-way will be set up on January 25th in conjunction with the Grow Your Blog project

I want to increase my Followers to 200 this year - if not more  

So don't miss out - join by going to the "Followers"   on the right side of the blog

 and if there is anything you ever want to see or have me re-visit just let me know  and I will see what I can do

This week is to get torching and etching - after my pipes burst and I had to do some plumbing - I got some great ideas  so I want to jump on them and get them started

Hint - has to do with this :
Its a thinner wall copper pipe than regular straight pipe - easier to bend -  this is small diameter  but I am getting the larger  size as well -   OBOY  some fun is coming !!!!

Finally I Hope to do some crafts

Well the furnace is fixed and I have heat - the Polar vortex has passed (I hope for another 20  years) and my pipes are fixed as of tonight  - only some insulation to finish but that wont take long

My body feels like its been beaten and I do have some nice bruises to show for fitting into the corner cupboard

I want to torch,
I have some ideas for some etched pipe I want to try

and I just ordered some glue that I hope will work on the bails and glass pendants
Its called -  The Last Glue -    when I get it I"ll post the use and results
Value Pack
supposed to work on glass and metal and instantly and permanently so cant wait to try it out

Dont forget the give-away for this month and on the 25th another give-a-way to promote my blog and getting more followers will be posted

What a Great Start to 2014

What a great start - already 10 comments on the give-a-way

if I keep getting good responses I'll start to do them every month rather than every other month

excited that its the weekend  -less excited that I have to deal with some frozen pipes tonight - hopefully they have not burst by the time I get home - but its in the same area as the basement studio so I can spend time down there and maybe torch .  Will see if I can open the studio - the lock was frozen last week
so I could not get my wire - and I am now so over wool and crocheting

There will also be another give a way starting Jan 25 to Feb 25   as I am participating in a "GROW YOUR BLOG"  event


Its free to sign up and open to all  and the deadline is Jan 15th to get invited so go visit and we will hopefully all blog together

2014 January Give-Away - Zentangle Copper Etched Bracelet

2014 - January - Give-A-Way- CLOSED

(these pics are of the same bracelet from different angles) 

Copper Etched Zentangle Pattern Bracelet

Lets start it off with a Bang !

Rules :   Just have to post on this thread (no other)  for the free give-a-way - just a comment to say hi
(cannot be anonymous must have a blog name )

Please Join my blog - would like to  get my blog count up to 200 this year so please jump in and sign up (but you don't have to, to be part of the give-a-way)  but there is a button on the right - that says join this blog

I'll have some new step by steps and hopefully some video how to's as well this year

On Feb 1 I'll draw a random name from those that left comments (I put them on slips of paper and draw from a bowl etc..)

No cost to you - free shipping (anywhere in the world )  - so just sit back and enjoy my blog

I thank you all in advance for your comments as I do not  comment on this thread so it keeps it clear to find every ones name at the end  for the draw