Almost ready to play

Yeah - finally I noticed that my Search this Blog is finally working again - I tried fixing - replacing - deleting and reinstalling but nothing worked -  so maybe it was a Blogger thing - but glad its working -

Well lets see..... The pipes were fixed and I finally got all the insulation under the counters, cleaned and put back stuff (man you can fit a lot of cans and cleaners under the sink - Items I havnt  used - crock pot, steamer, sandwich press and preserve jars -   so feel better things off the counter and  no longer piled high on my kitchen table -   not completely finished as I need to clear out two more cupboards to insulate underneath - but I'll save that for another day

My daughter finally found a car and we went to Hamilton to see it Thursday  and she bought it and we we picked it up Saturday (again another trip to Hamilton ) - had a somewhat peaceful day Sunday finishing off cleaning -

I had great intentions - I went out and turned on the propane about 6pm  for the torch but never made it down and ended up turning it off  at 10pm - so maybe tonight after I feed the horses

I am happy that my etched copper sheets are starting to sell - I'll need to get examples of their usage - like making bracelets , little books for jewellery etc... but I also need to make more - thise are on 24g copper and easy to cut and use in other projects - for riveting etc... and a deep etch so it hold a patina
Etched 24G Copper Sheet - 3" x 4"  - Zentangle Pattern

Dont forget the Give-away - short cut on the right side   - next weekend is another give-way for the "Grow Your Blog"  so dont miss out on that - its for a month so from Jan 25th to Feb 24th and it will work the same as my regular give-a-way

all in all - ready to work on some things - especially my copper - I have some ideas running through my head

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