Last 2 days for the January Give-A-Way

You may have noticed I have two give-a-ways this month

The January Give-A-way is my standard one and its a 18G copper etched bracelet  which will end on Jan 31st  - see side bar for link to thread to leave your comment

and second give-a-way in regards to the Grow Your Blog  Project  that will end on  Feb 15th - an 18G copper etched Heart pendant
Etched Zentangle Copper 18g Pendant - Heart

So dont forget when you visit check out the thread for the Give-A-ways  and enjoy reading my blog
would love you all to join my followers - hopefully the weather will break and I"ll start some new step by steps

I tried to torch last weekend - wasn't feeling all that well - but gave it a try - got all ready and realized no propane - so out in the cold I went and changed out the tank -(stole the one off the bbq)  got to playing
not much but again - if I can just get into a rhythm I think I can really start to make some beads- I have all these ideas during the week but when I sit down they seem to fly out of my head
Not much but its a start to the new year and my filling my first container for 2014 of beads 
cant have enough filler beads for projects 

1 comment:

  1. And you make beads too? They are so nice. I would love to give this a try someday!
