Straightening Copper Tubing

I have the coils of pipe that have the thinner wall thickness so I can bend easier into bracelets and necklaces after I etch  - but to get the designs I want - namely the zentangle either by PnP blue or by my rubber stamps I would like the pipe to be straight - easier to apply -   I figured there has to be a tool out there that does this - and there is
Link to You tube demo :   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiFm1GUS7as

of course its not universal so you have to choose the size -   and it comes form UK at about 114.02 cdn with delivery on ebay  - although if you have the right tool  it makes your work easier  - going to have to give this some thought as I need three sizes 1/4", 3/8" and 5/8"  I'll have to see what size I'll work with first and then figure it out -- I looked at others and this comparatively is reasonably priced so I may dive in and get one to start- just not sure what size -    I've asked if they have a Cdn distributor so I'll find out if available at least in North America -- but this looks to be the best one out there

Update !- took the plunge and ordered the 1/4" and the 3/8"   should be here by end of the month - now I am excited as it gets me past the wonky tubing stage (I hope)


  1. This has to be an important tool for anyone who's into metalwork. This can help save money and reduce waste by reusing spare old tubings that you have. Have you tried this out on a project? How did it go?

    Brandi Bradley @ Rotax Metals

  2. Copper tubing are the most versatile plumbing material that can be concealed for both hot and cold water applications. These tubings are available in different forms including coiled rolls and straight pipes in varying diameters.

  3. Only used it a couple of times and it worked - need to do a show and tell soon
