GROW YOUR BLOG - Jan 25, 2014 - Special Give-Away

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This event is designed to bring more readers and FOLLOWERS to your blog
Last year over 400 bloggers participated in this event, on January 24th our host  had over 596 blogs ready to be listed for the event - WOW !
What a great way to increase traffic ! 
If you visit the Home site they will have a list of all those participating and you can also join in and visit with the rest of us.

As part of this event I am having a special  Give-A-Way
(separate from my January Give-A-Way- which you can also get in on - shortcut on the right side bar) 

THE WINNER IS :  Andrea Ostapovitch
Etched Zentangle Copper 18g Pendant - Heart
Its Almost Valentines Day - so what is more appropriate than a Heart
18G  Approx 1-3/4" Copper  Domed Etched with my own Zentangle pattern with a pink/purple patina
Sealed and ready to be put on a chain (copper jump ring) 

Same rules as my regular Give-A-Ways - just post to this blog thread  (this thread only ) a comment- say Hi !
(the only restriction is no anonymous so I can find you again later to send you your gift)  
 From the list I will randomly pick a winner on February 15, 2014
You do not have to pay for anything - I will ship worldwide free of charge 

I would love to increase my followers and you can do that by going to the side bar on the right and become a follower.

I hope you enjoy my blog- Happy Reading !

Thanking you all for reading and joining

I'll be leaving this post up all week before adding new items just to catch everyone jumping around the blog hop

Update:   1-25-14  8:49 am - I've made it through the first 50 listed
Its 6:45  and I've made it up to 100
Tuesday 1-28- 14 7:34  finally made it to 200 only 396 to go
How am I ever going to get to 596 ! the blogs are so interesting I linger .  If I dont leave a note its just cause I have fallen behind and trying to get through all the blogs
Finally over the 400 blog mark - and still going - such interesting blogs and great works - I've revisted some that I saw the first day as well - it is very addicting going through all these wonderful blogs I didnt even know existed !!!!!


  1. Hi Deborah,
    You do wonderful work! I love copper myself and I like playing with wire.
    I'm one of Vicki's GYB volunteers, going around, visiting and finding all sorts of interesting people.
    Enjoy the party and have a fantastic day.

  2. Hi Deborah, so glad to have met you-and I love love handmade jewelry-so please enter me in your gorgeous giveaway.
    Last year's event I think I made it through almost everyone on the list-this year I am just getting started-lol so fun to see what everyone is creating and their lifestyles. I gained some long lasting wonderful friends too.
    Enjoy the party! Kathy

  3. I love this heart! Your jewelry is always amazing!

  4. Hi! I'm a new blog reader, initially got here by searching for etching info. And I've read everything. I'm enjoying my new Zentangle stamps and the etch is coming along. I'd LOVE to win the heart!

  5. Hi there Deborah, I've come along from Grow Your Blog. I love your heart jewellery, it is so striking. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  6. I'd love to wear this heart. Like all of your other jewelry, it's so pretty! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win one of your original pieces.

  7. I love your work! So lovely!!! Makes me miss the days in the metals studio...[my husband and I met in art school....yep, the metals studio.... :) ]

  8. Love reading through your posts. You do some awesome work. Thanks for sharing.

  9. do you have videos of how you do your work? amazing. i bet it is just too fun! hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party. ( :

    1. after typing that - i see my answer - what a goober - my bad. ( :
      to left i go ... clicking away.

  10. you have a fabulous blog...I would love to win your lovely heart...thank you for the giveaway.

  11. Hello,

    Nice to meet you.:)
    I would like to participate in your giveaway.



  12. Thanks for visiting me on GYB. I really like your work and your blog!

  13. Hi Deb. You already know that I love your work and visit your blog with every post you write. I landed here during the GYB hop and thought I'd add a comment so you could enter me in your giveaway. I'm always interested in winning especially something of yours!! Please drop by my blog for a visit.

  14. Hi Deb, New Follower. Your craftsmanship (or craftswomanship) is so wonderful. I am having fun finding new bloggers to follow...love sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  15. Yes, that list takes forever to go through. It's my second day browsing and I just made it to you.

  16. Hello Deborah!!!

    So nice to meet you! I've had a great time browsing your blog! I hope you will pop over to mine for a visit! Hugs! deb

  17. I am already a follower but I would love to put my name in the hat.

  18. Hello Deborah
    It's good to meet you!
    I'm in England!

  19. I just started following your blog. I think I'm going to like it here :)
    Thank you for the chance :)

  20. What amazing work you do! It is all so beautiful. I am visiting via GYB party.
    The heart is beautiful.

  21. Nice to read more about you, and you're right, we get sucked into so many great blogs!

  22. Hi Deb, I'm not pushing myself to visit too fast, but rather enjoying all the interesting blogs. Hope you are liking the GYB, and so glad tou are taking part :) As always I love what you have chosen for your giveaway!

  23. What gorgeous things you create! I'd love to win the heart, it's really beautiful! I'm visiting form the GYB party, nice to "meet" you.

  24. Hey Deb, Wow I've never seen Zentangles on jewelry and all such before. It is lovely. Fabulous creations. It's been nice meeting you.


  25. Oh! Zentangling! I'm just getting into it - and when I start I find it difficult to stop...Just five minutes more...!! You create some beautiful things and I look forward to seeing more of your creations in the future.

  26. visiting via Vicki's GYBP and enjoying your blog...your jewelry is beautiful and I love the work of your hands and heart!

  27. Hello! I found your blog via the Grow Your Blog Party, and I am so happy that I did. Beautiful work! I look forward to following you. :)

  28. A funny thing? I also looked through the list but did not manage to visit as many blogs you did. But I already follow your blog so I found this while catching up with your blog posts :)

  29. I love your work and your blog is fun. I would love to win that beautiful copper heart. Thanks, Jackie

  30. Hi,

    We are STILL working our way through the GYB list and it's slow going because of all the wonderful blogs out there! Love your jewelry and blog--you are so very talented. Following you via email.


    Deb and Kathy

  31. Greetings from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. I'm still working my way through the blogs too! Very time consuming. Love your jewelery.

  32. you're looking for new followers? You've found one! Your work is so interesting! I know what you mean about the hop, I'm still only up to section 21!

  33. Hi, love your jewellery. I also make jewellery, I have subscribed to your RSS feed so will be back for more.

  34. Hi Deborah, I am visiting from Germany with the GYB party, late as I am working slower through the list than thought... Love your crafting and am gettinga new follower. I am a knitter, crocheter, rarely stitcher, gardener, dog lover, but I love to see blogs with different crafts. Yours is one that have to go to the reading list :-)

  35. I love your work, what an inspiration you are! The heart is lovely, someone will be a very lucky recipient for sure! I am a newsletter subscriber and daily look forward to seeing something from you in my inbox.

  36. I can't seem to stay away from your blog! I don't know from where all of your energy comes!
    You never cease to amaze me!! Still wondering about the log splitter hydraulic press. It sounds
    like a great idea and a lot less expensive than a Bonny Doon! Let us know how it worked out for
    you, please!

  37. What a lovely pendant! I will be back to see more!

  38. Reviewing being a newbie blogger I missed some minor details like making comments... But Vicki's Grow Your Blog Party entries are 600 bloggers. My reading was a little tasking. I wanted to read and get to know the girls so I did read everyone's bio 24 hours left to go now I just review at much as I can. If you like come visit My site http://overboardcreations.blogspot.com/and contact info is http://ovr_brd@yahoo.com I believe inspiration comes from all facets of life even knowing the great people out there with wisdom and knowledge the do's and don'ts and even the wonders of life from a personal point of view. I liked you following you on goggle connect and Bloglovin you. hope to see you in the cyber neighborhood I am new to blogging so I don't have a lot posted because I got side tract with GYB party. Kind of felt it was important to have some one read my silly chatter. I can't remember a time I didn't dabble in something creative. I tried a little of everything. But, my new love these days is Card making I just love it.
    Oh thanks for letting me enter your give away.

  39. Hi Deborah,

    I have exactly the same problem as you -- I linger while visiting the blogs and usually leave long comments. There is NO WAY I can make it through the list. In fact, I only visited a handful. Now I have approached a different tactic -- I scroll through the list and only visit blogs whose names sounds intriguing. I chose yours because I didn't think of Read as a last name, but as a verb -- and I love to read, you see. :) Boy, am I glad that I found you though. I even like the way your blog background looks!

    Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful heart -- it's a true treasure!

    Lots of greetings from Germany,

  40. Hi Deborah! Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm still working my way through the party... I'm happy I have found you because you do wonders with metal. I'd love to win the heart pendant. I'm a new follower.

  41. Greetings from the windy Pacific Northwest! You have a great blog!
