Amazing Wire Wrap Artist Jill Lawrence

I am still sick (on meds) so still not making it to the studio

I sort of like this surfing and posting things I like - I may do this weekly and post something cool when I can

This is one of my favorite artists  Twistedsisterarts   (Jill Lawrence ) and she is on Etsy

- exquisite wire work  and I just love eyes  - these are earrings  -

Gothic Steampunk Cat Evil Eye Earrings in True Blue

I first saw this type of wire work on one of the Art Jewelery Magazines and its a technique I would love to try - just have not got around to it -

ART120301March 2012 - you can go to Art Jewelry site and get the back issue

Heather Gems

Again sick but watching TV - I saw one of those programs on how things are made
see this pendant
Looks like stone or wood but its made of Scottish Heather !
On the programme they showed picking the heather, drying , soaking in dye , drying , then soaking in resin and then compressing - once dry they cut and get the most amazing designs.
Here is link to see how they do it 
video of them making (not as long as the tv version but gives you an idea what is done )

Its got me thinking 

My horses better run ........Zentangle on my mind

Being sick I've been surfing the net to get inspired
My horses better run - this is way cool -  I love to zentangle  - now where did I put those clippers


O boy - was looking forward to the weekend but I've been sick for two weeks.  Ended up going to the Dr today - Bronchial Pneumonia -   should have expected it - I get pneumonia easily and everyone at work has been sick and my daughter has been sick too, so t - probably should have gone at beginning of the  week but I thought I was getting better on Monday .  Took a nose dive thursday.  Well I hope all the antibiotics and puffer help and I'll need to rest this weekend to get rid of it.

Flexi- Glass

Just got my Flexi-Glass medium and sheets in - cant wait to try it out - its developed by David Acala - the glass tapestry artist

  Looks like so much fun
you liberally apply the medium to the special clear sheets - fire at a low temp  (200 F) and it pops off the sheet and you can cut it up or you can mix and create threads to apply to other pieces etc...

got at Fusion Headquarters

interoduction to flexi-glass from Delphi Glass where you can purchase as well


samples of use:


UV Glue - results

Didn't work - I think because you cannot get the uv light under the opaque materials you cannot cure it therefore around the edges are hardened but the interior stays wet.   I went home last night and pushed and was able to pop off the bail - there was some adhesion but only around the edges but that did not give the bail much purchase.  Once it popped I could see that the uv glue under the bail was still liquid -  now either the uv light I have is not strong enough   or as I say the opaque nature of the piece did not allow sufficient light under to harden.

I will try again - when I have more time - I also have to find my other uv light and want to try with sunlight as well.   I sort of gave it a 50/50 chance  in hopes this would give me a better glue solution -   back to searching for my UHU Creative Two Part Epoxy for Jewelry and Glass

UV Glue - Loctite 349

I always wanted to try UV glue - heard great things - I always wanted something in the way of glue that would be more secure than the two part epoxy for my metal glue on bails and my dichroic pendants.

I asked  a friend what she used as I knew she had, had success with uv glue.  She was using Locitte 349  IMPRUV  optically clear UV adhesive.

Was told its hard to find  and on a cool site that advises what glue to use

they listed the Loctite for metal to glass as the ideal glue

So off I went - took about 5-10 minutes found a Canadian source (Fastenal - just ask them to bring it in for you as they carry a large line of loctite products - approx 35.00 cdn )  and I got 4 bottles (1 for my friend for telling me which glue to use) and of course 3 for me as I have a lot of gluing to do if this works

Took a couple of days to come in - I received it yesterday and last night I tested it out - metal bail and dichoric glass cab .   I searched for over an hour for my UV lights that I know I have - I've even seen them in the last 6 months but could not find in my studio. --- I guess I put them somewhere where they would be safe and not get broken... sigh.... I do that a lot.    But I remembered I had a little UV light for a UV resin kit I bought and still have not tried out and luckily  knew exactly where that was

so I used that and gave it a try
Its in a bright yellow bottle
lots of warnings for inhalation and skin irritation - so lots of ventilation and if your any way slightly allergic skin wise to wear gloves.
the smell was not too bad - I thought it less than crazy glue - but then I'm sick and my nose is slighly stuffy - 
went on as a thick gel - cool bottle - nip top and pull up on ring closure on the pour spout - its about as difficult as it gets - I like the gel - more control over placement - little goes a long way 
I applied and put into my little uv light  which turns off after 2 minutes 

after 2 minutes (and my understanding is some uv lights depending on strength may only need seconds) seems sturdy but I put it through a couple of times. (I think this one is 9watt bulb - seen 36 watt and not sure of what my uv lights are that I have)  Direct Sunlight works as well too .
Its based on how much light actually gets into the glue so the bail is opaque and my glass is opaque black  so I wondered if it would adhere 
Once I find my larger uv lights (they are about 2 ft long) I had them for uv curing rubber stamps  then I can lay down tin foil on the bottom and top and create a really big uv box for curing ( I need a large area as I have hundreds of glass cabs to put bails on )  that I can leave on longer so it reaches I hope the depths of the bail connection. 

tonight I'll tug at them and see how easy it is to remove them - the epoxy I can pop off with a lot of force but normal wear they tend not to fall off .

if this works - going to have to make those red neck wine glasses  for everyone for christmas too as it will be perfect for gluing glass to glass and getting a secure bond with the UV 

Glass Tapestry - Getting Ready

Other than being extremely sick for the past week - no voice - coughing continuously
I found the strength today to try to prep

I found my pile of System 96 Fusing glass - got out the balsa wood and made up a couple of glass trays

Its on line as well as in the book - I made two sizes  one 6 x 6 and one 2.5 x 6
I made them so I can use my small kilns - I'll make a big one when I drag out the big guy

I got a board and put some nails in to hold them up right 

when I sit in my rolly chair I sit lower - about eye level with the pallets 

I got out my sand - I ended up going to the dollar store to get some containers (I like to keep things organized)

I forgot to buy one of the mandrels but I found these sharp pointed ones at the store - in the polymer clay section
I also pulled out some of my regular mandrels 

so I sat down and played -  Poking , trying clouds and a bird 
I see how the sharp point works and pushing the sand around - so maybe I wont spend too much time on sand 

Its not like I have to go buy any frit - I have a bit 
both System 96 , Bullseye and other frits 

Coloured Sand - where to get

So...... I desperately want to play with my frits - but as most know they are expensive and you do not want to waste them .   So to follow the instructions I am getting some coloured sand -  Sandtastik is the name I saw on David Acala's videos that allow you to play inexpensively and learn to layer colours to create those dreamy landscapes.   (I say dreamy as its either going to turn into a nightmare or a fantasy )

Today I called them direct to find out they are Canadian - bonus ! http://www.sandtastik.com/(I ordered a jumbo set)    I dont often get a mfg here in Canada

For smaller amounts they  suggested a craft store I had never heard of   De Serres - http://www.deserres.ca/en-ca/

 found one close by and ran off to pick up some  of the smaller packs of sand for the weekend -   HOLY  what a cool store - I love it - sort of a cross between currys and Michaels but better than both.

Class Packeach pack is a lb with lots of sand
so this weekend I plan on making small frames and practising and following the book samples
I'll show them no matter what they look like.

Unfortunately they didnt have any yellow - o well I'll work around it

David Acala Book - Sand to Glass

I got my Sand to Glass Book today - some glitch in my computer did not allow it to download when I purchased so David was kind enough to email me a copy

WORTH EVERY PENNY AND MORE !  I've seen fusing books,I have a ton of fusing books,  I tried fusing  many different ways, I paint glass, I slump ,  I do the color de verre from Jayne Persico , use fusing molds ,I make bracelet's, I etch, I manipulated fused glass, I stamp   I've had lots of classes and thought there was nothing new out there I would be interested in.   BUT  this book is great - and has a ton of NEW things to try out . I highly recommend this book and I cant wait to try all the cool things out .  In fact I thought it would be a standard blah blah blah about fusing but its not.   Now instead of  just reading and then shelving this for later use - I'll be trying this out this weekend for sure - so many cool ideas
off to buy some colored sand to play with  (suggested by artist rather than waiting frit) I already bought all the materials for the box
and I have a product that is mentioned  Flexi Glass on order and on its way to try out as well.   I hope micheals carries colored sand

Sand Art by world renown sandartist David Alcala

Anyone see this - its amazing
This man takes two sheets of glass - does basic ( I say basic but its not basic - its phenomenal)  sand art with frits and enamels and voila he fuses and gets a work of art - amazing

check out the videos
how to set up glass tapestry frame:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY5AsQMz774

watch him make a landscape :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b__LOh3Fe1E&feature=relmfu

you can also download a pdf instructions book (I just had to buy it )

cant wait to try this out - I hope this weekend - I have lots of frits and enamels so I want to see if I can do on the small scale

Tanya Veit - Picasso Fusing Webinar

Been sick with the flu -slipped and  fell  on my slippery deck Saturday and whacked the back of my head - saw stars, getting sicker by the day  - today is laryngitis - when will it end - I have so much I want to do this week.

I came across  some cool things as I laid in bed coughing and choking the other night  .......

Taking a webinar for Tanya Veit - Picasso fusing - amazing - been wanting to do this

go to here to sign up

there are two one on the 25th  and one on the 27th -  
I'm signed up for the 25th and cant wait to watch this  - very reasonable 89.00 price - no traveling etc...

Lampwork Fish

I made another rainbow cat fish -

 now that the studio is cooler I'll be spending some time lampworking
( I have to close my pool on Sunday so most of the day is going to be accomplishing this )

Working on Projects - Metal Clay

Have some faces prepped and a lentil - on the faces I have plans to apply scarves but in one of the cases I want as a Medusa - snakes coming off the head

Working on Projects - Fused Glass Pendants

Another project I hope to finish this weekend is applying pendant backs to my fused glass

Working on projects - etched copper bracelets

I am slowly finishing unfinished items
a bunch of copper etched bracelets that I coloured 

then I did a couple of liver of sulphur

I really like the new bracelet displays I got from Panda Hall
they come apart and they lay flat for storage or to take to shows, the bracelets I can leave on the rolls and pack - makes it easier to assemble and pack up from shows 
you get 5 sets for 23.82

you just have to watch and buy a bunch of items at a time to justify the shipping costs 
with these I bought necklace busts black and white  10 sets of each 

Just have about 17 or 18 more bracelets to finish 

Still have to finish some of the circle bracelets 

Still working on Etched Copper

Not that I did much this long weekend - enjoyed not rushing around and worrying about finishing projects.
I did an etched moon shape (this was from PnP Blue etch resist)  and did it with the colored ranger patina's
I may want to make a bunch more to make a necklace - each piece is about 2.5" wide a good size 

I had made another six sets of etched circles for bracelets for the show but did not get them done in time - so I prepped - cleaned - sanded - I'll clean again with penny brite  and I'll patina them tomorrow - probably colors - or maybe just liver of sulphur

Etched Copper and Alcohol Inks

I have a bunch of alcohol inks I've had for years (yes years - maybe 10?)  so I decided to do some test pieces.

I poured different colours

this one was a single color

this one a mix

after drying - sanded and then dipped in permalac ef - note that the permalac thined the colors and it ran - sort of looked cool as these alcohol inks are transparent - I like the effect 

the single color although not as vibrant as the other patinas - gives a different kind of effect 

this sampler came out really nice with the red/orange/yellow the centre of this piece is not as deep so it did not keep color when sanded - I could fix - but these were to give me an idea of what I can do with the alcohol inks.