Coloured Sand - where to get

So...... I desperately want to play with my frits - but as most know they are expensive and you do not want to waste them .   So to follow the instructions I am getting some coloured sand -  Sandtastik is the name I saw on David Acala's videos that allow you to play inexpensively and learn to layer colours to create those dreamy landscapes.   (I say dreamy as its either going to turn into a nightmare or a fantasy )

Today I called them direct to find out they are Canadian - bonus ! http://www.sandtastik.com/(I ordered a jumbo set)    I dont often get a mfg here in Canada

For smaller amounts they  suggested a craft store I had never heard of   De Serres - http://www.deserres.ca/en-ca/

 found one close by and ran off to pick up some  of the smaller packs of sand for the weekend -   HOLY  what a cool store - I love it - sort of a cross between currys and Michaels but better than both.

Class Packeach pack is a lb with lots of sand
so this weekend I plan on making small frames and practising and following the book samples
I'll show them no matter what they look like.

Unfortunately they didnt have any yellow - o well I'll work around it

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