Sand Art by world renown sandartist David Alcala

Anyone see this - its amazing
This man takes two sheets of glass - does basic ( I say basic but its not basic - its phenomenal)  sand art with frits and enamels and voila he fuses and gets a work of art - amazing

check out the videos
how to set up glass tapestry frame:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY5AsQMz774

watch him make a landscape :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b__LOh3Fe1E&feature=relmfu

you can also download a pdf instructions book (I just had to buy it )

cant wait to try this out - I hope this weekend - I have lots of frits and enamels so I want to see if I can do on the small scale


  1. amazing! Can't wait to see how yours turns out!

  2. Dont hold your breath - could take me years to get to this even though I have all the goodies
