More playing with hydraulic forming

Got up early - before the grandkids - did a few chores and made my way to the studio - its overcast but - sort of just right outside - not too hot - not too cold

I wanted to try some form folding - so I started with a simple T fold that  I was thinking of

I got carried away 

I tried some microfolding

full folds

still more techniques with this to go but then went back to T-folds 

hopefully to make a puffy heart

really like the t-fold - I'll post how its made - its very easy 

and its only 8am - more to follow

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these pieces! I have had form folding on my mind too. This morning I did two wild and crazy powder on fiber pieces. I should be able to see them soon as they are without glass. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
