A little play time

I had to do yard work today - the dump, pick up stuff, cut the lawn, clean the pool and rake the big circle driveway of all the debris from the winter - a huge task
and its 88 degrees here - basically hot as hades
fans are on in the studio but getting in and doing something  has taken me almost all day

I had an idea last night -  the dies I have are negative space dies so I was thinking what if I had a pattern to push into the metal - like some of my resin pieces - which I have lots of - and resin/epoxy is quite hard  - I made these resin pieces  by making silicone molds from objects I liked

I grabbed one of my faces  just to check it out
using a 95 durometer puck and 26g copper that I annealed

 I like the sort of ruffle - - the line across the face was because I double pressed  to make it deeper - this  makes me want to try microfolding  and form folding and see how that works out 

and then I tried  one of the disks to see how it would work out

I think I have found something I want to try to make other dies out of even negative ones
as the resin means I can manipulate shapes a lot easier to some unique and interesting designs

So maybe I can microfold and do some pressing on Sunday

1 comment:

  1. This is such a fantastic idea and the results are stunning!
