Etsy - rubber stamp shipping and price increase - holding till Dec 31st with old pricing

I've held on for  three years with pricing for postage and the rubber stamp

My stamps have risen in cost but I have not reflected this in the price  and the HUGE increase in the postage  (approx 3$ per pkg) I have held onto the old postage rates and will till the end of the year

so if your thinking about purchasing one of the stamps get  our order in before December 31 as the prices for the stamp will rise by 2$  and the postage will the exact postage I am now being charged
I just could not believe how high it went - same package  from 7.30 to  10.66  that's an increase of 3.36 ridiculous !  and for what ?   I could see maybe up to a 1.00 but  3.36 wow

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