Early Reflections on 2014

I looked back to December 31, 2013 to see what I had written - if any for resolutions for 2014

Dec 31, 2013
"I find that 2013 went by so quickly  and reflecting back I did not get the things I wanted to get done in the way of crafting - so many unfinished and never started projects .  I was going to make a list but  having a list jut reminds me of not meeting the standards I set for myself  and keeps me inside the box -  so  I will leave my options open and my crafting ideas free to wander where they may for 2014  but I do know that I will be pushing to do more crafting this year including more how to videos and step by steps on the blog ."

Well evidently 2014 went by just as quickly and having my options open really did not improve my ability to "get things done"  so I am going to work on a true list for myself for 2015 to follow - maybe thats what I need  a "GOAL" list otherwise I will just putter away the year again and not get the things I really want to get accomplished

such as those elusive videos  I really want to get done  are always on the top of the list but then I slide back to just playing at a few things -

I really didnt do any new fusing this year - yet had lots of pieces from last year ready to cut 

Step by Steps fell back as well 

even my copper etching was limited 

So On Jan 1st I'll put up my list to following for 2015 

I am feeling better this week - got my living room cleaned up  - my basement studio is calling - dont have that much to do to buy christmas gifts   so maybe I'll get down to the studio and make some beads -  The Soda Lime Times has some great tutorials in the current issue I want to try 

If you can think of what tutorials/step by steps  would like please  leave a comment and I will put them on my list of 2015 TO DO LIST

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