
I want to thank everyone for the their wonderful comments on the Bead Soup

Dont forget about the give-a-way - see side bar for  short cut link

what the soup has done for me :

1. Motivate to get moving on new items and thinking about new designs
2. pushed my following up to 152   -  my goal was to have about 150 by end of June so I am ahead now to set my year end goal to be at least 160
3. going from blog to blog has really opened my eyes to how people are working lately in regards to designs and types of materials -  absolutely nothing is left out of this soup - every type of material is used to create and I mean CREATE !  the most amazing pieces -  You think from the last soup that there just cant be any new designs out there or combos of materials - but the soup proves that thinking wrong.

I haven't even made it a 1/4 through as I am spending quality time on each blog - not just checking out the soup but the other items in their blog as I find them fascinating and motivating

I actually torched last night - a few hearts  as I only had a boro kiln up at the studio - have to bring up my regular kiln

I've cleaned the sink, hooked up the water, cleaned the fridge, filled with pop and water, new big bottle water  done, cleaned arond and brought a lot of stuff back up to the studio.  Have some ideas for some new etched pieces   and overall its a nice spring and the weather is changing for the better.  so need to get working.

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