8th Annual Bead Soup - Reveal !!!!!

I am posting before the midnight reveal time - I have to assemble all my stuff for my demos tomorrow , wash clothes, do litter, garbage and have a bath - so I dont want to forget -  So here it is !!!  The Reveal !!!

I want to thank Jo-Ann Woolverton for the wonderful soup that she sent to me -
 I loved the colors as soon as I opened the bag and within a couple of days had the components all made and it was just assembly I had to do- which of course I procrastinated  until 2 weeks ago

so from this beautiful Soup

to this
to see how I made the copper piece go to the end of the thread 

Assembly was a bit tough - but thankfully I was able to work in the studio so I could use the torch to torch wire ends which was the plan all along 
I spread everything out 
wired up some dangles 
then I took them apart and did torched wire ends rather than wound ends 
then sealed my copper etched piece and let dry 
set out to see next step 
with the dangle attached I worked on the necklace attachment 
assembled the beautiful blue glass 
and finally the center piece 
then I did the last add on for the toggle for size 

All in all a very fun Bead Soup

I really need to take better pictures 

A lot of people are asking how I made the copper piece to sett my necklace 

if you click here  it will take you to what I did step by step 

Copper Etched base 


  1. Noticed you were posted early and thought I'd get a head start :) Looks like you had fun! Have fun with your Demos!

  2. Wow, Deborah it is amazing. I love that created the unique component to work with various beads I sent. Hope your demos go well.

  3. That's a stunner of a necklace! Great use of focal.

  4. What an amazing necklace. great job.

  5. I love what you've done with your soups. Its' all so beautiful ^_^

  6. What a fantastic focal you prepared! Amazing!

  7. An incredible focal and well worth all your effort

  8. Very creative. You really turned your ingriedients into an awsome soup!

  9. Wow, that focal is such a nice idea ! I love how you worked everything together !

  10. Now that is what I call a statement necklace. WOW.

  11. Love the copper etch piece with the blue...you may have created a monster ...lol.....hmmm where is that copper????

  12. Breathtaking , I adore the focal!

  13. Just amazing - wow!

  14. Well this just blew me away. You are a genius. The design is gorgeous and beautiful. The creativity is beyond mind boggling. I want just a tenth of your artistry , creativity, and brilliance ...If we could just work that out I would be stoked for sure. lol....All jokes aside . I don't know if you noticed but I totally loved what you did with your soup...ty so much for sharing with us all

  15. Beautifully done !! I love your copper etched focal and your vision!! The final piece is stunning!!

  16. Awesome statement piece! Your rocked it! Really Soup-er Job!

  17. An incredibly unique piece, very artistic!

  18. I had no idea that was copper etched. Wow! Mastered that technique. I love what you created.
    So I went looking around your blog and realized we're fellow Ontariens. I've tried etching with limited success but haven't given up. Wonderful work.

  19. True wearable art, very creative!

  20. I like yoour new element for the focal *unique*

  21. Amazing! I love the etched copper piece, it's really great! Very nice work.

  22. This is a Statement♥ Wow, what a special focal... amazing! Beautiful color combinations!

  23. Wonderful necklace, nice work!

  24. Amazing job Deborah...very pretty necklace..

  25. You've created a beautiful design with your soup. I love how you were so creative with your focal piece - Cheers!
    Lori in Atlanta

  26. You really got a really beautiful piece out of that bead soup. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    Hannah Rosner

  27. Wow! What a statement piece! Love the etched copper!

  28. This has such a cool ancient-modern vibe going on! I love the brilliant lapis blue that you had to work with. And I would really love to know more about that stunning focal! Did you create that yourself? Is it copper? Etched? The shape is so different! Thank you for sharing your talents with the 8th Bead Soup. Enjoy the day! Erin

    1. I have put the step by step on how I made the copper etched piece at the very end with a link - the shape was to suit the beads and easy enough to cut with scissors - etch and basically form with my fingers as it was 24g copper

  29. Gorgeous! And very creative way to use your focal as part of a larger focal. Copper with that that cobalt blue is a stunning choice. Love the how-I-did-it photos too.

  30. Your piece is just gorgeous! I absolutely love the focal! Thanks for sharing the tutorial. Amazing job with your soup!!

  31. Cleopatra came to mind when I saw this amazing piece.

  32. A design of art!!! You are genius and I adore the copper etched piece you made.. start following your blog :)

  33. Totally outrageous focal! I love it!

  34. I don't know whether the copper sets off the blue beads better or the blue beads set off the copper. But such a beautiful piece!

  35. That focal is amazing. I'm picturing some ancient Egyptian warrior/royalty wearing it.

  36. Beautiful! It looks ancient and royal.

  37. Very nice - makes me think Egyptian in style ... that copper panel piece is amazing =)

  38. Wow, did you hit this one out of the park, Deb! That custom-fitted frame/focal/assemblage is absolutely a show-stealer... so lovely with Joanne's beautiful soup ingredients :)

  39. Wow! That copper focal is amazing! The color really enhances the blue beads from your soup. Nice job!

  40. masterpiece! Looks like Aztec treasure! (: I still struggle with using torch (:

  41. That center you made.....AMAZING!! I am in AWE!! You did an wonderful job not only with your own work, but with the great soup you were sent!! ~KM

  42. Really love the design and the way you show how it is made!!!Wonderful Necklace!!! Have a Blessed Day!!!

  43. That is an awesome design. I love the copper piece you made to accentuate the focal. Very pretty.

  44. Wow, what a striking piece!!! Love that etched focal!!

  45. The 24 g is pretty stiff and with etching and working it to clean it and to form it makes it work harened- so it is not flexible and is set in its shape and holds up the the weight of the dangles

  46. wow! This is amazing! Such an outstanding piece of work - can't find words...

  47. Incredible piece and very inventive! Well done!

    Linda A.

  48. WOW is an understatement... but WOW is what comes to mind as many I see here..That is beautiful...I love your etching and your creativity!

  49. Great creation, Deb. That copper piece is stunning and the copper and blue combination is great. I love what you did......so original and artistic!

  50. What an amazing piece! Love copper and it really does highlight your focal! Great job!

  51. A few pretty beads go a long way. I like that focal. I also like those lampwork turtles.

  52. Magnificent! That is an awesome piece! Great copper work! I know where to come to if I need any! Great job!


  53. The copper piece you made for your soup is amazing! I love it with that blue.

  54. What an amazing copper piece!! It compliments the blue of the beads beautifully!! Well done!!

  55. Copper and blue is my all time favorite. What a soup and what a Piece you made from it. Gorgeous!

  56. Hi Deborah, Your necklace is striking. You did a great job designing it.

  57. What a beautiful design. Sounds time consuming with the torching but it was worth it! You have achieved a harmony of different shapes of beads and findings. It is interesting how your partner approached her focal in the same way and also combined copper, silver color and beads of different color in one of her pieces :)

    1. Torch time was about 5 minutes at most once I decided - I use a self igniting torch head on a mapp gas tank (the small yellow ones you get at Home Depot) so its press button torch on - hold wire in fire and presto balled heads that I flattened with a hammer

  58. You designed an amazing and unique piece, great work!

  59. Well I am sure I am not the first one to say your focal and bead set is stunning! Absolute beauty! What an artist you are!

  60. WOW! That is just too cool!! Your ability is really inspiring. Wonderful.

  61. Your necklace is so very creative and unusual. I'm glad I finally made it around to see it. Thanks for sharing!
