25 Days to Christmas -

Its Black Friday and stood for 1/2 hour to get one more item at staples for my other granddaughter
so we got the big gifts all done

I put the propane tank in th etuck and will pick up a full tank on my way home and then I can hook up my tank and possibly start torching tonight

of course I still need to work on cleaning the basement ........ O so dont want to  but going down each night to torch may help me bring up a couple of bags of garbage each night and spend about 20 minutes sorting and moving things around

I want ot pull my wire together and start on my new wire book I got 2 weeks ago and make some cool earrings

only two days left for the give-a-way  - see right side for shortcut and leave your comment - I'll be pulling the winner Sunday Morning !

26 Days Till Christmas - Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S.

Yes only 26 Days till Christmas  - I stood first in line at staples today to pick up an ipad for my granddaughter - I had already got her present but my daughter needed me to park and get one  (as she put it beat everyone off with a stick and get me one) - great price too about 60.00 off .  so accomplished something good today !

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. celebrating  turkey day

Last night I got the work tables cleaned up and brought down my lampwork kiln and tools and glass  and set up , tested the oxy concentrators and made sure the torch was cleaned up - so all I have is to check out side on the propane tank, hose and gauges ( I probably have to replace the outside hose for the propane and get the tank filled )  - and that way i can start to work in the basement studio this weekend .  YEAH !!!!
should have done a before and after pic but o well -   its still too  messy to take pics of

I still have a lot to do in the basement to clean it up ( its been 7 years since last clean out - how does this stuff accumulate !)   but at least I can play  and that is very important

I feel much better now that I was able to start this -   maybe its a trend

going to spend all winter making beads ! yeah -  maybe on warm days the studio might be open to do some fusing and etching..... One can only hope the winter is not too severe and a few nice days are in store for us .

Dont forget the give-a-way  only a couple days left to get your name in

27 Days to Christmas - but only 3 3-1/2 mor days for the Give-A-way

Yes only 27 more days to christmas and after my blog yesterday - I sadly went home and did nothing but put the hay out for the horses ......... (that alone is a chore I need to recuperated from )

so onto something fun -   yes only about 3-1/2 days left before I pick the winner for the November Give-A-Way  so remember to enter - there is a shortcut in the sidebar for the Give-A-way so you dont have to go searching

anyone can enter and its FREE  FREE FREE even the shipping  so dont delay  !

28 Days Till Christmas - EEEEEEK !

Its November 26th  - How can it be - only 28 days till Christmas - and I feel like I am so far behind

did I get all my liquids and my lampwork stuff down to the house - yes
has it made it past my kitchen  table and counter to be set up in the basement studio -  NO !

I have to clean up first and then bring the kiln downstairs - I have to replace the propane hose that goes outside since its been sitting for 2 years and better to be safe than sorry.
I have all the parts - the new hose and the fittings -  but where o where is my  UMPH to get things done

I promised myself to get it done on the weekend - that went  PHSSSST .....

I am almost finished Christmas shopping - thats a first  and I wrapped gifts on the weekend .

The month is rapidly coming to a close and the Give-A-Way is only days away - so get your name in (short cut on right sidebar)

My full time job - my brothers sick in the hospital and I am just not in the mood -  got to find some ambition

Tonight - Tonight  I will go to the basement studio and start cleaning  and get my stuff downstairs - I need to torch by the weekend !!!!

I need to post more items up on etsy as well - so much to do - so little time

Maybe by posting it will push me to get things done

28 days to go  - O my !

November is Flying by

With getting things moved from the studio and other items for winter, and my brother in the hospital  and now my furnace not working properly  (twas very cold when I got home last night)
Made these spirals with intent on some wire weaving - I started - I'll post a pick this weekend of a finished one
- who has time to do much around the house.

I did get my new wire weaving book so very excited about that - looks to be great projects -cant wait to play if I have time


I did get some more etched copper sheet up on etsy along with some etched copper pendants and a single bracelet -  which is a step in the right direction

On the weekend did two  batches of lampwork
Batch one was shiny reactive beads and stil playing as I really dont know what I want to make but need filler beads 
2nd batch was raku and lentils 
and more filler beads 

- but I did get to play with the crystals and the notched copper washers from Beaducation  (the gems I picked up at the TBS show just for this purpose)
and I tried out my new camera lens and cloud dome for the iphone - quick and easy project 

Warmer Weather = Studio Time

We are expecting a bit of warmer weather - that will allow me one last time in the studio I think and then sunday I will drag my kiln and set up in the basement for my lampworking

Last week I did do some beads - and if I just keep up to making this many a sitting I will start to once again accumulate
more spacers 

a new mold - hmmmmmmmmmm its like a big drop  (huge) biger than a quarter

big honkin beads  and a couple of hearts 

nothing special just filling in some gaps and playing 

this week was a bit busy - my brother had some serious issues and is still in hospital and is expected  to be there for another 6 weeks in recovery.   He looks much better now  and were hoping that he progresses each day

I WILL spend Saturday doing a few things in the studio - working towards having materials available to work at the house over the winter - wire wrapping, lampwork and maybe some ceramics as well

I still have a few things to do outside but not much and I'll finish that up early Saturday so I can concentrate on having some fun for a change.

the cold really puts me off my plans.

Dont forget to submit a comment to the give-a-way thread  - there is a short cut on the side bar

I will be posting a step by step on the wire wrapping I am doing and how I find it and what I think would be good tips to make it easier for some of us.

so keep posted - I should have a flurry of posts soon and possibly some video's popping up

More Wire Weaving

Actually spent most of the day at the studio (with heaters on)  lampworking and making some beads
I'll move the lampwork equipment  down this week and then I'll spend more time each night in the house lampworking  (I hope)

the beads are still in the kiln and wont be out till tomorrow- unless I make a run before bed as at 8:30 the temp was down to 180  ( and I turned off all the heaters ) and maybe shortly I;ll run up and grab them to soak and clean

when I came in I worked on a piece of wire and played with one pattern  of wire weaving ( its become my favorite)  three wires - this all in copper
Kept it looser and flatter so I could see all three wires
just bent them all up as another sample  - I;ll work on another pattern tomorrow

once I do a few more patterns I'll incorporate them together 

Its actually fun and not really hard to do 
I'll post some step by step of what I am doing up shortly 

Wire Weaving - another try

Seems every time I turn around there is wire weaving - so I must be going with the flow
Today I got my Wire Jewelry Magazine and it has some wire weaving on the cover and inside

I cut some wire and just had to play
I want to make a bracelet but first i still need to practice

It looks ok but I am doing it too tight and it is more triangular than flat- at this point I just rounded the ends for now and it was too short so I'll have to work at it - If I already had not changed into my jammies I'd go get some more wire tonight - but it can wait till the morning (its cold an rainy out - although I have the heaters on in the studio so I can get a day up there tomorrow )

O well I'll have to practice again

Goodies from the show

Of course I got a chance to wander and check out the other vendors and look for items I wanted and need

I picked up some pretty gems for the copper wire wrapping, some wire and a Marilyn  Gardner chain maille  kit

The wire in prep for the book I ordered for wire weaving in mid November (I didnt have any of the antique copper - can you imagine that )

so hoping to get some time this weekend to play but last two weekends so busy I still have things to prep for winter and chores to get done before I can play 
I have a lot of things to bring down from the studio so they dont freeze and set up my torch in the basement studio that I havnt used in 2 years  - so lots of things to do so I can relax and play again 

Toronto Bead Society Show - Great Weekend

I always love meeting up and seeing and chatting with the other artists

Looked to be a great show - lots  of people  and the final of the season for me

Decisions on how to fit everything on my table since  I got used to that extra 2 ft during the summer shows (having two tables in an L shape) made such a difference - so during the winter I'll design something I've been thinking about for a couple years -  some sort of stand -  I miss the tent rod where I could hand items - so I'll work with that  thought in mind for the design
but as always I set up to get the most out of the table

So little time - I did not get all my dichro onto cards  so I set them out in trays - which is how I used to set them out 
but really convinced I need above the head display and something to display my bracelets better 
s I had nice bracelets displays but they were hard to use - had to keep taking them down to get to bracelets for people to try on 
now I'm using high tech displays 
(a plastic container box ) 
makes it easier to grab and try on  ( the extra 2ft of table used to be where I laid out the copper pieces) 
Was sooooooooo tired on saturday but sunday morning with  a later start - an extra hour sleep and no set up was wonderfull -
I've got my tear down to under 10 minutes packed and ready to go 

all in all a great end to the season 

Now to post stuff to etsy ..........

November Give-A-Way - CLOSED

Dont forget to enter the free give-a-way for November (I'm a little late posting)

You could win - no charge - no shipping fees  one of my Hydrangea Beads 

You only have to leave a comment in this thread  (no other thread)  Just to say hi or make a comment

There is no charge to you - you just have to leave a comment in this thread only

On December 1st I will put names into my mug (or whatever I can find)  and randomly pull  one and announce the winner.

One way to keep in touch and have reminders is to join my blog and get get my updates direct to your email - so you wont miss any Give-a-ways's or new tips - there is a follow my email button on right side of blog  and or join by group !  

Dont just view - remember to leave a comment for your chance to win -   

THE WINNER IS :   Tammie Everly