26 Days Till Christmas - Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S.

Yes only 26 Days till Christmas  - I stood first in line at staples today to pick up an ipad for my granddaughter - I had already got her present but my daughter needed me to park and get one  (as she put it beat everyone off with a stick and get me one) - great price too about 60.00 off .  so accomplished something good today !

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. celebrating  turkey day

Last night I got the work tables cleaned up and brought down my lampwork kiln and tools and glass  and set up , tested the oxy concentrators and made sure the torch was cleaned up - so all I have is to check out side on the propane tank, hose and gauges ( I probably have to replace the outside hose for the propane and get the tank filled )  - and that way i can start to work in the basement studio this weekend .  YEAH !!!!
should have done a before and after pic but o well -   its still too  messy to take pics of

I still have a lot to do in the basement to clean it up ( its been 7 years since last clean out - how does this stuff accumulate !)   but at least I can play  and that is very important

I feel much better now that I was able to start this -   maybe its a trend

going to spend all winter making beads ! yeah -  maybe on warm days the studio might be open to do some fusing and etching..... One can only hope the winter is not too severe and a few nice days are in store for us .

Dont forget the give-a-way  only a couple days left to get your name in

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