New Zentangle Full Sheet Stamp - ordered today

Here is the new full sheet pattern I have sent in today to have a new stamp created - its about 3 weeks away from being put on Etsy.   Its all about Hearts - will be the same price 23.00 plus shipping  and will be on Etsy as soon as they arrive.
I do have others I'll be ordering  but I'll break them up weekly over the next three weeks  or more and post them as I order
Hope you enjoy the image - I'll be printing off some PNP blue to etch from this weekend  and possibly some decal paper as well for fusing -  I wonder if people would buy the PNP /decal per sheet ? I'll have to think about that.

I wish the weather was warmer I want to go to the studio to work - so much more room.  But even with the heaters its still too cold to stay up there and work.  I'll have to make sure I install that wood stove for next year.  I look at it that only another 2 months and I should be back in the studio (with heaters) and I cant wait - I have so much stuff all over my kitchen counters and table  and I have to put things away to ensure I have room.

Anyway - I'll make some etched pieces this weekend with the new heart pattern and wait with anticipation for my new rubber stamps.

I may use my my stamps to show you how to stamp dicroic glass with the pattern and use etch-all to etch the dicro off and then fuse this weekend so keep on blogging.

More New Zentangle Cuffs in the works

Here are some new cuffs - no patina as yet - I'll wait to finish them all before making some liver of sulpher and then I wont waste it
More out of the etch tonight
Ill finish cleaning tomorrow and bend them into cuffs
Here are a couple of new pattern bracelets - Egyptian and one of a woman in a garden - the images will pop out once I put on the patina

And some butterflies - the small one I have domed to give some depth and I think I'll do the same with the large butterfly - I may enamel the big butterfly but I'll have to see

Back working again- New Zentangle Etched Copper Cuffs - and other Designs

So being a bit lazy after Christmas and then catching some sort of flu - been sick for what seems forever - tired and sleepless  and just recovering - started  putzing around the kitchen
Started prepping some copper bracelet blanks- triming , filing and cleaning  ready for resist

Shining up some silver spoons so I can make some rings - note the circled one - might be worth about 45.00 - may be a few finds in my stash
Prepped some of the blanks with etching resist - zentangle
Prepped some copper butterflies to see how they might turn out
and finally a couple of different patterns I tried out on the copper bracelet blanks
Some of the zentangles went into the ferric chloride , the butterlies and the two different patterns. I was cleaning before bed so I'll have them cleaned up tomorrow to bend into bracelets and put a patina on and should have pics - I will say that today I applied the PnP much better - just is probably the practice practice practice - getting better the more I use it.

Working on a new sheet of Zentangles - based on Hearts  - I hope I finish this week and get the two new sheets to the rubber stamp maker so I can have before Valentines day to put up on Etsy .  I'll post a pic of the sheet when finished.

New zentangle sheet -Pattern # 4

Finished last night - takes me a few weeks as I do it while sitting watching TV- will be sending off at the end of the month to make into rubber stamp and I'll be making some PnP blue sheets up for new bracelet and pendant etched designs.

Rivets for Copper Pendants and Bracelets

I did not post last night - too tired - have to get out of this funk I'm in.

Today I received my rivets from Beaducation (Beaducation.com)  so that I can finally rivet (I could have used wire but wanted to see the purchased rivets) very excited and love them.  Got Antiqued Brass, copper Aluminium in flat and round heads.  The different colours to give a variation of colour against the copper .

This is from previous - I have ready to rivet. I still have to put holes and wanted to wait till they came so I could be more accurate .   If I have time this week will finish it off.
When you purchase on the internet you tend to guess what you need  e.g. size wise - sit with a ruler and figure out that the heck the size of these rivets are.
Here is a copper  nail head 1/20" x 1/4" long compared to a Cdn Penny
gives you an idea of just how small they are - you get a pack of 100 for 5.15 so check out their website

Not much being done.... must be the weather !

It certainly must be the cold weather here that has me  being extremely lazy.  After a wonderful time with my daughter and granddaughters over Christmas then back to work I just have not really pushed to do anything crafty.  I've managed cutting and cleaning new bracelet blanks to etch - but haven't etched.   Buffed up some spoons .... but haven't bent them ,   buffed up some forks but haven't bent them,  brought in my big glass fish to photograph....... well you get the drift.  Most excitement I've had was pulling out the bread machine and making some super fresh bread with a new recipe that worked extremely well.   So I promised myself now that I picked up my camera on the weekend to start to do some things and get them posted.  So starting Monday night I'll have some more items to show.

Finally put Etched Zentangle Cuff Bracelets on Etsy

No real camera at home so I had to take with my iPhone - they are not the greatest but needed to get some items up on etsy.   Going to make more bracelets on weekend and make new zentangle sheets

No Camera yet - falling behind - fork bracelet and etched bracelets

Well I am falling behind with pics and showing what I have finished
I am almost finished my next fork bracelet made with the forks I got off Ebay before Christmas  - hope to make lots this weekend
Getting the hang of bending the tines and polishing them up. I make my own dichroic cabs