New Zentangle Full Sheet Stamp - ordered today

Here is the new full sheet pattern I have sent in today to have a new stamp created - its about 3 weeks away from being put on Etsy.   Its all about Hearts - will be the same price 23.00 plus shipping  and will be on Etsy as soon as they arrive.
I do have others I'll be ordering  but I'll break them up weekly over the next three weeks  or more and post them as I order
Hope you enjoy the image - I'll be printing off some PNP blue to etch from this weekend  and possibly some decal paper as well for fusing -  I wonder if people would buy the PNP /decal per sheet ? I'll have to think about that.

I wish the weather was warmer I want to go to the studio to work - so much more room.  But even with the heaters its still too cold to stay up there and work.  I'll have to make sure I install that wood stove for next year.  I look at it that only another 2 months and I should be back in the studio (with heaters) and I cant wait - I have so much stuff all over my kitchen counters and table  and I have to put things away to ensure I have room.

Anyway - I'll make some etched pieces this weekend with the new heart pattern and wait with anticipation for my new rubber stamps.

I may use my my stamps to show you how to stamp dicroic glass with the pattern and use etch-all to etch the dicro off and then fuse this weekend so keep on blogging.

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