Sparkle Welder - from China via Amazon

I originally was going to buy from a CDN location but  found that I could buy from Amazon for about 250.00 cheaper  and if I paid the extra 30.00 for fast shipping it was still cheaper 

I ordered on the 14th of July and received it on July 24th  - WOW fast delivery 

The concept is to use to close jump rings 

Here she is set up 

was pretty simple -  foot pedal fit in only one spot - the black anode attached to blacik tweezer only in one place same for the red anode 
the tungsten rod fit into the red anode end and the plastick stand was pretty self explanitory 

the only thing I had to look up was what to set the  settings too  - in this case  5  for both dials 
I did find some instructions on line at another dealer 

so I fitted some jump rings together - they need to be  tight as the spot weld is tiny  - although if you want a bigger spot  just turn over the  tungsten rod  to the flat large end  and you get a big whopping weld 

So all ready -  says not to look at the  light  (dont go into the light  ) as it can harm your eyes -  
Now try holding it in place and doing that -  so I ordered welders glasses from amazon right away 

So now I have the glasses 
such a fasion statement 

I use magnifying glasses too to help with actually seeing the line I  have to weld 

Now all ready 
I do some more  jump rings  up  holding them in the tweezer and holding it very close to the tungsten tip  (too close and it sticks to the rod - not a big deal just have to work it off )    at same time  you press down on the  foot pedal - one quick step - never leave your foot on it as you will burn out your unit - 
I jusmp still at the flash - its quick and there is a weld  - wow 

I sort of did it 3 times but the first weld did hold  - so it works great -  the jump rings can go into the tumbler and it will take away the discoloration 

Next I will see if I can  spot weld  a backing pin onto  something  and see how that works 

Niobium set up - again

Trying to clean up some area in my  in the house craft area - to set up my Niobium  equpment and see if I cant get some  items done for next year (Next July 2021 show  hopefully ) 

Set up som space and  did a basic  color chart for myself   - played and did a some  drop earings , some ear wires  - just to play