Still Missing in Action -

But feeling much better - even going through the studio and thinking of destashing a few things - will post on the face book  pages  https://www.facebook.com/groups/glasstools4sale/   mostly u.s. based but some Canadians are hanging out in hopes of posts. 

I have a Carlisle CC torch up for sale  900.00 cdn
 and just sold a Covington Wet Belt Sander -

Going through things and seeing what I may have double of or not want especially coming to terms that I am not going to get to use them -  I think   there may be a couple of  carlisle mini torches and a nortel minor  as well as a mega minor torch, possibly an osg 15 with tank , going up soon and possibly a slab saw - so keep your eyes open - I'll also post here as well as that facebook group

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